The Power of Social Media in Job Searches

Promote yourself! There are new rules in place for career success! There have been a great number of changes in the job search areas of looking for a job. Are you using the many avenues of social networking that are … Continue reading

Resume Blunders!

Are you having problems with your resume? Read our article: How to Write an Effective Resume. Follow our resume tips to help prevent you from making the mistakes listed below, and opt into our email marketing campaign for advice! You … Continue reading

Show Me The Money!

When you receive a job offer, do you attempt to negotiate compensation? This is something to consider carefully. Please read our article What Should Your Compensation Requirements Be. Follow our job seeker tips for advice! You can also follow us … Continue reading

How Important Is Your Cover Letter?

How important is your cover letter to your interview? The first sentence is extremely important, it should make you want to read the entire thing. Don’t make the mistake of not being prepared. Please read our article How to Write … Continue reading

Are You Prepared For Networking Events?

There are three phases to networking success. Before the networking event: Set personal goals During the networking event: Connect! After the networking event: Follow-up! It is critical that you are aware of these phases when you are networking for a … Continue reading

Why Organization is a Job Seeker’s Best Friend

Check out this article on How to Increase Organization in the Workplace! Many job searchers start their day to day with a feeling of dread in the pit of their stomach. How do you organize your job applications, and how … Continue reading