Do Your Employees Think Outside The Box?

Hiring Managers, do you look to hire someone outside the box? According to the percentages of new hires, about 93% to 95% of college graduates are hired, not because of what they maybe majored in, but rather the skills that … Continue reading

Are You Positive At Work?

Some of us really enjoy our jobs, some of us don’t. This is the reality of the job market today. Some of us may have the option of finding another position but being realistic, in the current economy, most of … Continue reading

How to Start Off the Perfect Interview

Interviews are all about first impressions. How you act, look, and say are scrutinized and evaluated. So how do you ensure your interview begins with a winning start? Why the handshake of course! Be confident, professional, and smile! Your handshake … Continue reading

How To Show Off Your Skills In Your Resume

Show, don’t tell: How to demonstrate your skills in a resume. Do you use proper techniques to show off your skills and accomplishments when writing your resume? If you use active language, the Hiring Manager will see you as the … Continue reading

Resume Gap Fillers

In today’s job market, sometimes it takes longer to find that job you’ve been looking for. It’s important that you show on your resume everything that is taking place during the time periods in which you have been between jobs … Continue reading

How Are You Selling Your Resume?

Have you thought about the fact that your resume is marketing yourself? You want to show all your accomplishments in the most attractive way without saying anything false or boastful. The same can be compared to some advertising today, when … Continue reading

What Do You Do When You Hit Rock Bottom Job Searching?

When you hit rock bottom in your job search, what do you do? Do you just give up or do you pick yourself up and strive to get on with your ambitions? Please read our article 5 Tactics to Toughen … Continue reading

How Can I Use LinkedIn to Land a Job?

How can I make LinkedIn more useful in landing a job? A lot of companies nowadays check out candidates’ LinkedIn profiles in addition to their resumes. Please read our article 5 Common LinkedIn Mistakes. Please follow our job search tips … Continue reading

Are You A Good Boss?

As a Hiring Manager, there is a need for balance giving both positive and negative feedback with your employees. You must lead your team in order to reach your goals but you must concurrently guide and monitor them along the … Continue reading

How Should I Dress For My Interview?

Are you worried about how you should dress for an interview? If so, please read our article Ten Fatal Interviewing Mistakes, to help you make these decisions. Follow our job seeker tips get you started, and opt into our email … Continue reading