10 Easy Steps To A Better Resume

Do you think outside-the-box when you are preparing your resume? Do you thoroughly prepare your thoughts so that everything you apply to your resume is relevant to the job you are applying for? It is critical that you apply your … Continue reading

Networking Rules!

Networking is about meeting people you know who can vouch for your past performance and who can connect you with people you don’t know. Approximately 60% of your time should be spent networking when you are looking for a job. … Continue reading

What Can You Do To Make Hiring Easier

The days of having a mine of great candidates available for work are gone. Even considering the unemployment rate of today, hiring managers aren’t filling vacancies as quickly as before because they are dissatisfied with the candidates that are presenting … Continue reading

Don’t be a Zombie Resume Writer!

How long has it been since you reworked your resume? Have you thought about how generic you sound when you state that you have “skills” in certain areas without demonstrating the context? When the context of the skill is left … Continue reading

Can I Get Hired Through Social Media?

Many employers are using the social media networks to find good candidates in today’s job market, with sites such as Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter.  Statistics show more people are getting hired through these sites and they are staying hired longer.  Please … Continue reading

Age Diversity in the Workplace

Are you worried about looking for a job in today’s market when you are considered an older job applicant? There are pros as well as cons when considering finding employment if you’ve been out of the job market for a … Continue reading

Tools to Boost Your Brand

As a Hiring Manager, you must see dozens of innovative “new replacements” for the resume, however, they are not quite ready to replace the standard paper resume. The standard paper resume continues to remain the constant for the job seekers marketing process.  There are … Continue reading

How to Create a Memorable LinkedIn Profile

When you are looking for a job, do you use the social media that is available to you, such as LinkedIn?  If you do, is your LinkedIn profile up to date?  Check out this infogram and read our article How to … Continue reading

Are You Prepared For the Quest of Finding A Job?

Are you prepared for the “quest” of looking for a job in today’s job market?  Do you have a perfect resume and cover letter?  Are you aware that rarely does “one size fits all”? This analogy fits not only clothing (or people) … Continue reading

Resume Blunders!

Are you having problems with your resume? Read our article: How to Write an Effective Resume. Follow our resume tips to help prevent you from making the mistakes listed below, and opt into our email marketing campaign for advice! You … Continue reading