Are You A Respectable Employer?

As a Hiring Manager, it’s hard to lead a company, manage a team, and gain accomplishments while still being respected. Respect is earned, and often the people most respected are those that didn’t have to earn it. They just do … Continue reading

What Can You Do To Make Hiring Easier

The days of having a mine of great candidates available for work are gone. Even considering the unemployment rate of today, hiring managers aren’t filling vacancies as quickly as before because they are dissatisfied with the candidates that are presenting … Continue reading

Do You Have Effective Leading Habits?

There have been several articles and books written relative to habits of highly effective hiring managers. They keep their employees informed as to the good, bad and ugly news with full transparency in order to have a fully competent team. … Continue reading

Tools to Boost Your Brand

As a Hiring Manager, you must see dozens of innovative “new replacements” for the resume, however, they are not quite ready to replace the standard paper resume. The standard paper resume continues to remain the constant for the job seekers marketing process.  There are … Continue reading