Is Your Remote Team Effective?

Worried about how productive and efficient your telecommuting team members are?  I would be surprised if you actually stated that you are NOT concerned. As a hiring manager, you probably already know there are many advantages to providing a telecommuting … Continue reading

5 Ways to Kill Employee Morale

Making sure the company is running efficiently and effectively is more complicated than hiring qualified people and telling them what to do. Having an incredible staff to support and carry out your business’ goals will only get you so far; … Continue reading

How To Write an Attractive Job Description

One of your employees is moving out of the state, and you are faced with the daunting task of replacing him. You shutter at the idea of having to find a candidate who is as qualified and professional as the … Continue reading

How to get the most from LinkedIn Groups

We love using LinkedIn as it is an incredible professional networking site.  We have found that by connecting with clinical research professionals through the many “linking” avenues offered, we have been able to share our open positions and provide job … Continue reading