How Social Media is Making Your Life Easier

We’ve been hearing them say it for a few years now – “social media is changing the game.” And not just for MTV and Justin Bieber and that teenager who lives next door and listens to loud music all night … Continue reading

The Wrong Way to Fire Someone

Telling someone that they no longer have a source of income is probably one of the hardest parts of your job. But as a hiring manager, you know that sometimes the cost of keeping someone is greater than the benefits … Continue reading

Do You Know Who You’re Hiring? The Importance of Background Checks

As a hiring manager, you’ve been given the daunting task of searching through hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes in order to find the candidate best suited for the job. You’ve narrowed down the pool, gone through several rounds of … Continue reading

Benefits of Holding a CRA Certification

While holding a certification in the clinical research field is not required for most positions, it has been our experience candidates who have earned certain certifications find it of enormous benefit. As you likely know, a certification is simply a … Continue reading