Neglecting Your Job Description Will Cost You

The job description is an often overlooked aspect of the hiring process. This is unfortunate because having an accurate and attractive job description is the foundation for successfully placing and maintaining a candidate for any given position. Having problems with … Continue reading

Is Hiring Seniority Worth the Money?

When I was growing up, I had this vision of corporate America being a conveyor belt of some kind. You graduate from college and hop on the belt, which symbolizes your career. I thought if you stayed on the belt, … Continue reading

How Social Media is Making Your Life Easier

We’ve been hearing them say it for a few years now – “social media is changing the game.” And not just for MTV and Justin Bieber and that teenager who lives next door and listens to loud music all night … Continue reading

Do You Know Who You’re Hiring? The Importance of Background Checks

As a hiring manager, you’ve been given the daunting task of searching through hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes in order to find the candidate best suited for the job. You’ve narrowed down the pool, gone through several rounds of … Continue reading