How to Write a Rejection Letter

Nobody likes being the bearer of bad news, but rejection letters are an essential part of the hiring process. Rejection letters are your company’s last opportunity to build good will with the candidate and establish your organization as an “employer … Continue reading

Hiring Managers, Do Employment Gaps Matter?

As a Hiring Manager I am sure you see candidates with gaps in employment as an area of concern.  You may have questions regarding the applicant’s dependability, work ethic, or if the candidate is even truly qualified to perform the … Continue reading

How to Prepare Your Hiring Team for an Effective Phone Interview

Now that you have identified your top candidates, the next step in the hiring process is the Phone Interview.  Don’t underestimate the value of an effective phone interview! I typically eliminate about 90% of my candidates through the phone interview … Continue reading

How to Properly Address CRA Recruitment and Find Quality Candidates

Many recruiting companies may believe recruiting professionals to work on your clinical trials and research is much like recruiting for any other position, but with a few minor differences. However, we disagree.  Recruiting Clinical Research Professionals to work on your … Continue reading