Job Seekers

Job Seekers, our firm is unique in that placing CRAs is ALL we do.  Since CRA Recruitment is our sole focus, consistently having CRA opportunities available as you are ready to roll onto another project is typical for us.

We have several articles to help you become more competitive as a candidate so you can successfully find your next great employment or consulting opportunity.  Areas of concentration include:

  • In and Outs of the Job Search
  • Networking and Marketing yourself
  • Contract versus Permanent Employment
  • Resume and Interviewing Tips
  • Negotiating and navigating through the hiring process
  • Skill Improvement as well as other juicy tidbits to make you more competitive in the Job Market!

If you don’t find what you are looking for in our Job Seekers section and want to reach out to us directly, please feel free to contact us at  We are here to help!

Holiday Excess Everywhere, and Nowhere a (Healthy) Bite to Eat!

The holidays this time of year seem to be all about abundance. Cookies and pies and special holiday treats are everywhere, not to mention parties and get-togethers where it’s so easy to overindulge. If you’re brave enough to try to … Continue reading

Time to Update Your Thanksgiving Menu?

The standard Thanksgiving meal is fantastic, but – who are we kidding? – most of it is not that healthy, especially if we’re having three times as much as we should. Thinking of trying a healthier version of a classic … Continue reading

Why Having a Public LinkedIn Profile is So Important

Whether you’re considering new employment opportunities or not, LinkedIn is a fantastic tool to build your professional profile. Beyond the amazing job search benefits it provides, it can also put you in touch with professional colleagues that may contribute to … Continue reading

How To Put Your Best Foot Forward In A Job Interview

Going on a job interview is nerve-wracking, especially going in unprepared. The key to a confident, successful interview? You can start by preparing yourself for your interview by using my tips below, listed in order of succession. You have submitted … Continue reading