Two Simple Rules of Behavioral Interviewing

Clinical RecruitmentBehavioral Interviewing is an interviewing method used by Hiring Managers to learn more about your past behavior in certain situations. The theory behind digging into those past actions and reactions is the feeling that past conduct and performance is a great predictor of future performance.

Regardless of your tenure, the behavioral interview approach can be intimidating. If you research “behavioral interviewing” on the internet, you will find many recommendations on how to prepare for these types of engagements.  I will tell you, however, there are only two simple rules you should be aware of when preparing for these types of interviews.

Rule #1: Always use real examples

General answers are not what the Hiring Manager is looking for. She wants specific details about the event, the project, the team, or the experience and the particulars on how you dealt with the situation.

Additionally, always avoid using language such as “I would do…” as this only describes how you would behave…not how you actually have behaved in the past. Using the “I would do” terminology will leave the Hiring Manager believing you a) either haven’t experienced this type of situation and are therefore inexperienced or b) you didn’t believe your behavior was appropriate and therefore shouldn’t share it.

Here is an example:

A Behavioral Interview approach may be: “Tell me about a time where you had a team member who wasn’t carrying their fair share of the work load, and how you handled it”. This statement demands you articulate details on how you handled an employee who was not working at the same level of your other team members.  It is important you provide a real example, describing the situation in detail, so the Hiring Manager will be able to tell if your leadership experience and management style will be a good fit for her organization.

However, if you answer “I would take the individual to the side…” or some other similar hypothetical example, you have given the hiring manager no idea of how you would truly (or have truly) handled this situation in the past.

Rule #2: Always keep it positive

By the nature of the behavioral interviewing beast, some questions the Hiring Manager may ask you will not necessarily yield positive examples of your work history.

Such questions may include:

Tell me about a goal that you set that you did not reach. What steps did you take? What obstacles did you encounter? How did it make you feel?

Tell me about a time when you missed a deadline.

Tell me about a time where you took a risk and failed.

Clearly the answer to any of these questions will show where you perhaps made a mistake or failed in some way…so how do you keep it positive?

This is easy! Show how you took responsibility for your error or weakness. Speak to your lessons learned and talk about what you have personally put into place to ensure you never make the same mistake again. Now you are showing the Hiring Manager you are a professional who takes responsibility for his actions, learns from previous errors, and continually grows as an individual. What a great message to get across!

For information on how to prepare for a behavioral interview, please read the Preparing for a Behavioral Interview article I wrote. I hope you have found this information useful!

Investing in a Lifetime of Success

Angela Roberts

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Are you considering a career change? We specialize in clinical recruiting! You can sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Preparing for a Behavioral Interview

Clinical RecruitmentMore employers are using behavioral interviewing in the hiring process. This type of interview is based on the idea that the best way to predict your future performance is to examine your past and present performance in a similar situation. It focuses on experiences, behaviors, knowledge, skills and abilities which are job related.

With the Behavioral Interview, Employers predetermine which skills are necessary for the position and then ask very pointed questions to determine if the candidate possesses those skills or have the needed experiences.

Currently, 30 percent of all organizations are using behavioral interviewing to some degree.

Why should you prepare for a behavioral interview?

  • Candidates who prepare for behavioral interviews are better prepared – even for traditional interviews.
  • Using behavioral style answers works well with inexperienced interviewers.
  • Companies who invest the time and energy in developing behavioral interviews often attract top candidates, and of course, top candidates make the company a more desirable place to work.

Before the interview:

  • One way to prepare for the interview is to first consider the job description.  What skills are listed as qualifications for the job? For example, does the organization say they need team players? Someone with a strong attention to detail? Keen problem solvers? Someone with superior customer service?
  • Once you have a greater understanding of the kinds of skills the company is seeking, you can begin to reflect upon experiences where you have demonstrated these skills.
  • If you don’t have a job description, think about the skills that might be necessary for the job or speak to an advisor in career services.

During the Interview, when answering the questions:

  • First, internally note what competency or skill the employer may be seeking (hint: it may be more than one) and then always make sure you:

1. Describe a specific, recent situation (if you can, try to keep it within two years)

2. Detail your behavior or the actions you took to resolve the situation. (Be sure that your role is clear and significant)

3. Share the outcome or the results of the situation.

4. NOTE:  Do not use Hypothetical Answers!  When a candidate states “I would handle xyz this way” this is a clear indication that the candidate does not have the experience required!!!  Always use clear, specific examples.

  • Always listen carefully to the question, ask for clarification if necessary, and make sure you answer the question completely.
  • Your interview preparation should include identifying examples of situations from your experiences on your resume where you have demonstrated the behaviors a given company seeks.
  • When answering behavioral questions use the STAR Method and convey specific situations, actions, and outcomes/results.

1. Situation: Use specific details about a situation or task.

2. Task: Tell what led to the situation or task.

3. Action Taken: Discuss what you did and who was involved.

4. Result or outcome: Communicate the outcome.

  • Before the interview process, identify two or three of your top selling points and determine how you will convey these points (with demonstrated STAR stories) during the interview.
  • Whenever you can, quantify your results. Numbers illustrate your level of authority and responsibility. For example: “I was a shift supervisor.” could be “As Shift Supervisor, I trained and evaluated 4 employees.”
  • Be prepared to provide examples of when results didn’t turn out as you planned. What did you do then? What did you learn? Your resume will serve as a good guide when answering these questions.
  • Refresh your memory regarding your achievements in the past couple of years. Demonstration of the desired behaviors may be proven in many ways. Use examples from past internships, classes, activities, team involvements, community service and work experience.

Behavioral questions can be difficult if you are not prepared. Always try to be conscious about what the recruiter is trying to find out about you by asking you a particular question.

Here are some examples:


Tell me about a time when you had to adjust to a colleague’s working style in order to complete a project or achieve your objectives.

Analytical Skills/Problem Solving

Tell me about a situation where you had to solve a difficult problem. What did you do? What was your thought process? What was the outcome? What do you wish you had done differently?

Tell me about a time where you realized your project was going to miss a milestone, deliverable or deadline.  How did you handle it?  How would you prevent this risk in the future?


What is your typical way of dealing with conflict? Give me an example.

Give me an example of a time when you were able to successfully communicate with another person even when that individual may not have personally liked you (or vice versa). How did you handle the situation? What obstacles or difficulties did you face? How did you deal with them?


Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone’s opinion.

Tell me about a problem that you’ve solved in a unique or unusual way. What was the outcome? Were you happy or satisfied with it?

Decision Making

Tell me about a difficult decision you’ve made in the last year.

Describe a situation where you have had to overcome a problem or obstacle in order to move forward with something. What did you do?

Tell me about a time when you had to make a decision without all the information you needed. How did you handle it? Why? Were you happy with the outcome?


Give me a specific example of a time when you had to conform to a policy with which you did not agree.

Describe a time when you put your needs aside to help a co-worker understand a task. How did you assist him/her? What was the result?

Goal Setting

Give me an example of a time when you set a goal and were able to meet or achieve it.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement so far and why?

Tell me about a goal that you set that you did not reach. What steps did you take? What obstacles did you encounter? How did it make you feel?


Describe a time when you anticipated potential problems and developed preventive measures.

What tricks or techniques have you learned to make school or a job easier, or to make yourself more effective? How did you learn that?

Describe a situation where you have had to use your initiative to solve a problem. What did you do?

What was the best idea you came up with during your professional or college career? How did you apply it?

Give me an example of a time when something you tried to accomplish failed.

Give me an example of when you showed initiative and took the lead.


Tell me about a time when you missed an obvious solution to a problem.

Tell me about a time when you were forced to make an unpopular decision.

Tell me about a time you had to fire a friend.

Describe a time when you set your sights too high (or too low).

Tell of the most difficult customer service experience that you have ever had to handle-perhaps an angry or irate customer. Be specific and tell what you did and what was the outcome.

Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done.

Give a specific example of a policy you conformed to with which you did not agree. Why?


Give me an example of a time when you motivated others.

Tell me about a time when you delegated a project effectively.

Tell me about a time where you had a team member not carrying their full workload or not meeting their commitments.

What has been your experience in giving presentations to small or large groups? What has been your most successful experience in speech making?

Tell me about a team project when you had to take the lead or take charge of the project? What did you do? How did you do it? What was the result?

Interpersonal Skills

Give me an example of a time when you used your fact-finding skills to solve a problem.

Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem.

Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way.

Give an example of when you had to work with someone who was difficult to get along with. How/why was this person difficult? How did you handle it? How did the relationship progress?

Planning and Organization/Time Management

How do you determine priorities in scheduling your time? Give examples.

Describe a time when you had many projects or assignments due at the same time. What steps did you take to get them all done?

Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and you were required to prioritize your tasks.

How do you prioritize projects and tasks when scheduling your time? Give me some examples.


Tell me about a time you were able to successfully deal with another person even when that individual may not have personally liked you (or vice versa).

Tell me about a recent situation in which you had to deal with a very upset customer or co-worker.

Describe a situation where you have had to work as part of a team to achieve a result. What was your role in this?

Describe a situation where others you were working with on a project disagreed with your ideas. What did you do?

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Related Articles:

Are you considering a career change? We specialize in clinical recruiting! You can sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

The Importance of Good References

Clinical RecruitmentSelecting good references is one of the most imperative recruiting tips for applicants. It is the applicant’s job to cultivate relationships worthy of a good reference. To an employer, the reference will show what your personality and work ethic are really like (not just when you are on your best behavior for the interview). To an applicant, a reference can be a great professional self-evaluation, and is an enormously positive way to emphasize your strengths and develop a strategy to minimize your weaknesses. Here is a list of the do’s and don’ts regarding good job references:

  • Do pick references who are well spoken, and practice interview questions with them if you want to be thorough.
  • Do discuss the job opportunity with your references, so that they know what context in which to convey your strengths and minimize weaknesses
  • Do remember to ask permission to use someone as a reference, and give him/her warning of when a potential employer may call.
  • Don’t pick a family member, girlfriend/boyfriend, or anyone who has not witnessed your work performance.
  • Do pick a reference who you have a positive professional relationship with and who you are absolutely sure will speak highly of you.
  • Don’t pick an employer/coworker with whom the relationship ended badly
  • Do select supervisory references as well as peer references.  If you are applying for a management position it is also recommended to supply references of past employees.
  • Do keep your references as current as possible.
  • Do provide references quickly upon request as any delay will have a negative impact.

Optimally, a reference will be someone who has an impressive position or reputation themselves. While this is not a requirement, it is a great way to expand and legitimize your professional network. Take advantage of your professional references! They are great resources for advice as well as potential mentorships. Having good references is among one of the strongest recruiting tips for both employers and applicants because of the opportunities for insight that they offer.

Written by Leah Brooks

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Related Articles:

Are you considering a career change? We specialize in clinical recruiting! You can sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

How to Properly Address CRA Recruitment and Find Quality Candidates

Clinical RecruitmentMany recruiting companies may believe recruiting professionals to work on your clinical trials and research is much like recruiting for any other position, but with a few minor differences.

However, we disagree.  Recruiting Clinical Research Professionals to work on your Clinical Trials is something take very seriously as we understand your trial may be put at risk if the Clinical Professionals are not at the right level of quality.  So what is our approach?

As with other industries, it’s important to adopt a plan or strategy in how you will go about your CRA recruitment. With this plan, one should address what is wanted in a CRA, where to look for quality candidates, how to look, prospecting and qualification, and a plan on how to actually entice the desired candidate(s) to join your team.

Evaluate your needs:  You should first start evaluating your needs for additional CRAs as you are determining what project, trial, or research is needing to be executed and what type of candidate is best suited for doing so. Draft a list or outline of characteristics and traits that are both necessary and desired for a candidate and apply weight of importance to each characteristic. This can be a “wish list” of sorts and one should not hesitate in listing every detail or desired trait. However, you should prioritize that list of desired traits. It is important to remember not to hold a candidate too strictly to the overall list of requirements, but should aim for satisfying all of the highly weighted qualifications.

Create a high-quality and well-defined Job Post.  It is important to make sure that one explicitly spells out the job function, tasks and activities involved with the position, skills required, skills desired, and applications of said skills. This will not only help the organization define what is wanted/needed and attract candidates who satisfy those stipulations, but will also allow the applicants and candidates to become more familiar with the position and have a better understanding of what is expected of them.

Strategize where to find your Candidates. After defining what you want in a candidate and drafting a job description, the next step in CRA recruitment, and possibly the most important, is knowing where to find suitable and qualified candidates. Three possible destinations one’s organization should thoroughly explore are: career fairs and industry-related events, databases, and social networks.

Career fairs and industry-related are great opportunities for companies to be exposed to promising talent and also to become a more familiar brand. Here, one is able to interact and socialize with possible candidates in a professional setting, while also being able to attain smaller amounts of one-on-one time. Furthermore, establishing contacts at such events can increase a company’s database size of candidates that may be better suited for other positions.

Company databases of candidates, both past and present, can prove to be useful when searching for the right fit. Just because one candidate wasn’t suited for a past position doesn’t mean that they may not be suited for the current one.

Social networks are fantastic resources for learning about candidates and also creating company profiles that enable one to not only network on an individual level, but also help candidates become more familiar with one’s organization.

Be aggressive in directly recruiting stars.  One possible idea that an organization may want to consider when searching for its ideal candidates is to simply handpick “dream” candidates and offer the opportunity to them. Obviously it’s a little more complicated than that, but it’s worth a shot. If a hiring manager or other company associate is aware of a candidate or candidates that would be exceptional fits for the specified positions, contact them. Don’t be afraid to reach outside of those who have applied for the position(s). Everyone loves flattery and being told they have wonderful qualifications and are exactly what a company is looking for is a great ice breaker. According to an article in BusinessWeek, video game company Red 5 Studios handpicked 100 ideal candidates for various positions. The startup then sent each one a personalized iPod equipped with a welcome from the CEO. “The flattery paid off: More than 90 recipients responded to the pitch, three left their jobs to come on board, and many more potential hires discovered the company through word-of-mouth buzz generated by the search,” BusinessWeek says. Now I’m not saying to necessarily go the iPod route, but let them know they are wanted.

Finally, go out there and get them. Do what it takes to get that candidate that you feel best fits the position and the culture and environment of your company. There is nothing worse than settling- so don’t.

Need assistance establishing a competitive clinical research salary or recruiting tips to improve your clinical recruitment results?  We offer complimentary consultation in these areas!

Written by Ryan Miller

Dedicated to Every Client’s Success,

Angela Roberts

Related Article:

Are you ever involved with the clinical recruiting hiring process? If so, sign up for our Hiring Manager email course which focuses on how to attract and hire the highest quality candidates.

The Importance of Background Checks

Clinical RecruitmentWhen dealing with recruitment processes and strategies, background checks can prove to be an effective form of insurance against various factors which can be detrimental for the company, associates, and work environment. When considering conducting background checks, it is critical to understand several aspects: how they can be beneficial to your company, the assortment of checks that can be performed, and the costs associated.

Protection and insurance are two of the most key components in anyone’s personal or professional life. Background checks during the clinical recruitment process can serve to provide both. Through the application of these checks, a company is able to research a candidate’s credit history, confirm education and employment history, and review driving, criminal and court records. This information can provide valuable information to either confirm or deny the qualities of your top candidates.

As you can imagine, hiring a candidate with a negative or shady history could be easy without conducting a thorough background check.  Of course this could open the door for serious risks and consequences with the impact being devastating to the work environment, company atmosphere, and employee morale. By proactively performing background checks, you help to secure the integrity of the company, your employees, and reduce turnover.

There are two basic types of background checks: professional and personal. Both types of checks are vital to securing data about a candidate. Each form of background check analyzes different aspects and characteristics of a candidate and can prove to be valuable predictors for how he/she may perform in the position and in the work environment.

Professional background checks are done through a separate company or through the use of specific software services. These are the most thorough, but also the most costly. Professional background checks, provided by services such as Intelius, Identity P.I., and US Search, can range in prices, but an intermediate check is around fifty dollars.

Personal background checks are carried out through the hiring manager or the associate in charge of the recruitment process. These personal background checks, while far easier and simpler than a professional background check, are just as vital. In this instance, the recruiter uses basic Internet search methods to uncover a candidate’s personal history. “Googling” a candidate’s name and viewing his/her profile on various social networking websites, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, can all provide information about a candidate’s professionalism, personality, traits, attitudes, and beliefs.

Background checks are not only a way to uncover possible negative aspects of a candidate, but can also serve to reaffirm previous positive evaluations as well. Through the implementation of professional and personal background checks, a company is able to protect its employees, assets, and atmosphere, as well as reduce turnover and take progressive steps toward a successful and beneficial work environment for all.

Need assistance establishing a competitive clinical research salary or recruiting tips to improve your clinical recruitment results?  We offer complimentary consultation in these areas!

Written by Ryan Miller

Dedicated to Every Client’s Success

Angela Roberts

Related Articles:

Are you ever involved with the clinical recruiting hiring process? If so, sign up for our Hiring Manager email course which focuses on how to attract and hire the highest quality candidates.

3 Things NOT TO DO when Focused on CRA Recruitment

Clinical RecruitmentDefining the things you should do during CRA Recruitment is as easy as 1, 2, 3.  First, you have to identify the job requirements for the staff who will be monitoring your clinical trial.  Then, you need to post your position and interview candidates. Finally, you need to hire one of your applicants.  Those steps seem pretty straightforward; however, the devil is in the details!  The hardest part is defining what NOT to do when focused on CRA Recruitment.  Here are the 3 biggest recruiting tips for things to avoid:

1.    DO NOT post the position or start considering applicants without a complete and thorough understanding of what you want. Think about what your team needs (“have to haves”) and wants (“like to haves”).  Know what qualities would be beneficial for this position including therapeutic and phase experience.  If you are having trouble, evaluate your current CRA team: what qualities do they have, and what qualities would enhance their work?  Need some tips on what to consider?  Take a look at our advice on how to Qualify a Position.  Some overlap in skills and qualifications is okay, but the goal is efficiency.  Most importantly, DO NOT settle.  The candidate pool for CRAs is wide enough for you to find exactly what you need.

2.    DO NOT enter an interview unprepared. This could have negative consequences for you, your company, and your clinical trial.  You need to plan what questions you will ask and you need to have a general understanding of what you want the candidate to tell you.  Additionally, use Behavioral Interviewing Methods during your interview as this method will give you a clearer idea of the candidate’s true experiences, character, and ability to think on his feet.

3.    DO NOT involve everyone in the hiring process.  It will over-complicate things, and it may muddle the CRA recruitment process.  Of course you will want to bring in the appropriate people at the appropriate time; however, involving extra people too early takes away from your time and resources, and those staff members could be using their time in more productive ways.  I recommend one person to do the initial phone interview.  This will weed out a large percentage of your non-qualified candidates and will fine tune your top candidate group.  Once you have reached a group of top candidates, then you should engage more team members for future interviews as a sanity check and to finalize the selection of your new Star Employee.

Need assistance establishing a competitive clinical research salary or recruiting tips to improve your clinical recruitment results?  We offer complimentary consultation in these areas!

Written by Alli Hunt

Dedicated to Every Client’s Success,

Angela Roberts

Related Articles:

Are you ever involved with the clinical recruiting hiring process? If so, sign up for our Hiring Manager email course which focuses on how to attract and hire the highest quality candidates.

How to Recruit and Hire the Best: A Checklist for Success

Clinical RecruitmentRecruiting candidates can be a tedious task, but if you carefully plan out the process, it can be easy and relatively stress-free.  Creating a checklist that covers the entire course of the process can help you easily identify what you need to do in order to find that perfect candidate. Here is a short compilation of tasks to consider when putting together your recruiting strategy.

1. Fully qualify the position with your hiring team and confirm approval to hire from finance or other appropriate divisions in your company

2. Create a well written job description

3. Create a list of the most important personality characteristics and ‘soft skill’ traits that you want in a candidate

4. Research similar job salaries and create a base range that is competitive, yet affordable

5. Notify all in-house employees of the new opening and fish for referrals

6. Evaluate in-house staff and proceed with the qualification process of in-house employees as appropriate.

7. If you decide upon a current in-house employee, start the transition process and end the search.

8. If you are not happy with any of the internal candidates, begin searching outside the company and post the job opening in various venues whether it be online or offline

9. Contact job placement firms and agencies for any leads or tips on finding a perfect match

10. Using the job description, fully qualify applicants and start scheduling phone interviews

11. Prep your team on how to effectively conduct phone interviews

12. Evaluate the team results of the phone interviews and schedule face-to-face interviews for the top candidates

13. Prep your team on how to effectively conduct face-to-face interviews

14. In a timely manner, communicate an offer to your top candidate

15. Communicate rejections to other candidates

I hope you find this list helpful…and not totally overwhelming.  We have step by step “how to” articles for many of these tasks.  If you have any questions or need any assistance, please leave a comment and we will be in touch to provide you assistance.

Written by Eric Lee

Dedicated to Every Client’s Success,

Angela Roberts

Related Articles:

Are you ever involved with the clinical recruiting hiring process? If so, sign up for our Hiring Manager email course which focuses on how to attract and hire the highest quality candidates.

What should your Compensation Requirements be?

Clinical RecruitmentOne of the toughest things to consider after receiving a job offer is if the compensation offered is fair; and let’s face it, most people have a hard time assigning a monetary value to themselves. The best way to determine what compensation to expect or negotiate for is to do your part up front and research it.  There are a number of ways you can easily do this research and gain a good understanding of what your monetary worth in a particular job role or function should be.

Use the Internet

The World Wide Web is a great place to start your research.  There are various free resources on the web which allow you to sift through compensation information and compare the different rates for different jobs.  I personally benchmark positions using,, and  You can also search the job boards for postings similar to your desired position.  Many of these postings will list compensation ranges.

These Internet services are not always the most accurate since they are typically very general, but you can get more industry specific information at minimal cost.  However, do not limit yourself to just conducting Internet searches; don’t be afraid to approach this task the old-fashioned way because newspapers and local listings are also great ways to find information about compensation. 

Ask the People Around You

Personal input from former and current employees within the industry of a potential job may be a great way to measure the worth of your desired position.  By talking with those around you, you are easily able to compare and contrast your responsibilities with your peers and obtain a basic idea of what to expect.  Another option is to seek out a job placement recruiter because they are experts in every element of finding and accepting a job offer.  Recruiters can also provide a plethora of resources and information that you may not have thought of or have access to and typically at no cost to you.

Consider the Benefits

When you are determining your expected compensation range, make sure that you are taking the entire compensation package into account.  Often, a high paying job is balanced with a benefits package that isn’t as attractive.  Many companies offer a 401(k) contribution plan, and typically the size of the company is directly related to the size of their contribution levels.

Written by Eric Lee

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Related Articles:

Are you considering a career change? We specialize in clinical recruiting! You can sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Recruit and Hire the Best

Clinical RecruitmentBeing able to select and hire outstanding professionals into your organization defines the future of your company.  Not only is it important for the employee to be competent, but the individual also has to be the right match for your company’s culture. In an effort to help you streamline your hiring process so as to reduce the time it takes to conduct the search, as well as provide recruiting tips to enhance your probability of bringing in that Star Candidate, we’ve developed a fantastic checklist that will help you recruit and hire the very best.

1. Read into the Resume

The resume is typically used as a straightforward index of one’s professional history. However, a Star Candidate would have taken the time to tailor that resume for your specific position.

You should never get the impression the candidate broadcasted his resume out to 100 different companies.  The applicant’s objective should be in alignment to your position, the tasks and responsibilities listed should speak to the job requirements listed in your job description, and in a best case scenario you should have received a cover letter explaining why working for your company in this position will enable him to grow and meet his career goals.

Additionally, by reading into subtleties you can determine important qualities such as seeing a pattern of supervisory positions providing an indication of leadership abilities and initiative, overlapping jobs and volunteer experience which indicate exceptional time management skills, or unexplained and/or chronic employment gaps indicating a lack of work ethic.

Lastly, look for measurable accomplishments to be listed on his resume, not just job functions. It is much better to see a statement like “through the use of Lean Six Sigma managed a team that drove process improvements into the division resulting in a cost reduction of 24 million while improving customer satisfaction by 10%” rather than “managed Lean Six Sigma team”.  This subtle difference in phrasing will show you if the candidate is results driven. 

2. Don’t Skip the Phone Interview

I have clients who go straight from resume review to a face to face interview.  Face to face interviews are a huge benefit in many ways, and I definitely recommend them where they make sense; however they take a lot to coordinate and pull valuable time away from the team members who will participate in these sessions.

Don’t waste your or your team’s time by going straight into the face to face interview.  Always start out with a Phone Interview.  I typically eliminate about 90% of my candidates through the phone interview step which means the 10% who are awarded the face to face interview have already been qualified as strong candidates.

3. Use Behavioral Interviewing

Behavioral Interviewing is an exceptionally effective method of determining true experiences, character, and personality throughout an interview. The reason Behavioral Interviewing is so effective is because you ask open-ended questions about the candidate’s true experiences.

For example, using the traditional interviewing method you may ask “Please describe your experience managing other people”.  The response will typically be in terms of years’ experience, size of team, and maybe a little about the project or operations overseen.  The answer doesn’t tell you if he was an effective manager, what challenges he overcame, his accomplishments, how he communicates or handles conflict, etc.  When using the behavioral interviewing method, you could ask a similar question about his experiences:  “Tell me about a time where you were managing a team and you had someone on your team not doing their fair share of the work…and please tell me how you dealt with it.

Now, not only is the candidate going to tell you about the dynamics of his team, but his response will give you an idea of his management style, how he handles conflict, and if he is appropriate in the way he deals with issues and problems.

Using a behavioral interviewing approach will give you a better idea of what the candidate has truly experienced and how he reacted, which will be an indication of his future performance.

4. Conduct both a Background Check and Reference Check I would highly recommend you do both a background check and a reference check.  While most Hiring Managers understand the importance of conducting a background check, many Hiring Managers overlook the value of reference checks.  Don’t assume the candidate has evaluated himself properly and has selected references which will shed him in the best light.  Warning signs for references include: references from close relatives, unprofessional relationships (boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.), an unfavorable response from the reference about the candidate, noticeably out of date references, or the candidate is unable to provide references quickly.  Take a look at this article for more on Reference and Background Checks.

5. Make Prompt Decisions and have Scheduled Communications Making well-timed decisions in regards to recruiting a fantastic candidate is an overlooked necessity. If long gaps of time occur in communications with a candidate, the candidate may feel as if you have moved on or are not interested. Avoid losing the candidate to a different opportunity by making timely decisions and establish a system of communicating status to the candidate. Also, enhance your company’s credibility by notifying all candidates of their status within the recruiting process, even those who are rejected! Those released will be grateful for the honesty, and those still being recruited and interested will know that they need not accept another job.

Written by Leah Brooks

Dedication to Every Client’s Success,

Angela Roberts

Related Articles:

Are you ever involved with the clinical recruiting hiring process? If so, sign up for our Hiring Manager email course which focuses on how to attract and hire the highest quality candidates.

How to Write a Great Job Description

Clinical RecruitmentThe job description is a vital tool in the recruitment process. Writing it correctly can save you time and energy in selecting the right candidate. Before writing the job description, take the opportunity to assess the vacant position. Was the position functioning ideally or as it was intended to function? Think about what the job would look like with the optimal candidate and redesign from there; but be careful to keep the job realistic so you are not holding out for superman. Here are some tips to make your job description both superior and effective.

1. Preface the description with a short overview of the company. This will instill trust and respect for the position listed.

2. Keep the description as concise as possible, and break it down into separate yet germane sections if necessary.

3. Include the title of the position and location of job, as well as the department it is located in.

4. Describe the responsibilities and general day to day activities (including travel), but again keep it simple.

5. Include specific job requirements and qualifications in your job description. Consider these minimum qualifications carefully because they can be a great screening tool to help you save time while reviewing applicants.

6. List the salary range and benefits if applicable. If the position is an unpaid internship, be sure that it meets government labor requirements.

7. Describe your ideal candidate.  For example: “experienced candidate who is talented in the areas of verbal and written communication, leadership, and who fits in with our company culture of teamwork”, etc.

Lastly, you should include instructions on how to apply.  In my experience, many applicants feel that applying on a general application-type site greatly reduces their chances of being visible enough to be selected for an interview.  This, of course, discourages many potential candidates from even applying.  Therefore, I recommend providing the contact information of the specific individual or recruiter you are using to filter your applicants.  Having this personal point of contact will make applicants more comfortable and more likely to apply.

Hopefully these recruitment tips will help you in your job filling endeavors; happy hunting!

Written by Leah Brooks

Dedicated to Every Client’s Success,

Angela Roberts

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