Struggling To Find Quality Team Members?

Finding the right person to fill that position shouldn’t be all that hard right now, but is proving to be most difficult for businesses all across the country. Most hiring managers say that they lack confidence in people who are in the job market when it comes down to skills, or lack of them.

It is the total realm of skills from the basics of reading & writing, and to the social skills that one is lacking. When you think about it, this lack in skills directly affects the amount of salary that can be brought to the table.

Please read our article Recruit and Hire the Best, then check out the following infogram for more information.  Also, follow our hiring manager tips and opt into our email marketing campaign for further advice and guidance.

You can also follow us on Pinterest and “Like” us on Facebook!

Blog post photoInvesting in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace. Check out our Blog for additional interview tips. 

Questions You Need To Ask During Your Interview

When you go for your interview, have you prepared questions for the interviewer?

The questions you ask the interviewer shows him how much preparation that you have put into interview, which in turn, shows the hiring manager just how interested you are in the position.

Please read our article Yahoo’s Who Haven’t Looked at the Company Website Before Their Interview and check out the following infographic for some items you need to consider before your interview. Also, be sure to opt into our email course and follow our interview tips for help in making sure that you are ready for your interview. You can also follow us on Pinterest and “Like” us on Facebook!

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Created by Career Bliss

Written by: Betty Crisp

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Resume Blunders To Avoid

Have you put any thought into the “Not-So-Obvious-Resume Mistakes” that are really easy to make but are real killers to your resume?

Among them are using abbreviations – that shows laziness as well as a lack of professionalism. Another is inconsistency – if you are going to italicize or bold your position title, then take care that all of your titles are in the same format. Be sure to avoid too little or too much information and tailor your resume to the job being advertised. Please pay attention to your grammar and be sure to proof-read your resume.

Please read our article Qualities Hiring Managers Want Most. You can also read an additional article on the subject by clicking on the picture below and follow our resume tips. Be sure to opt into our email course for advice and guidance. You can also follow us on Pinterest and “Like” us on Facebook!

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6 Not-So-Obvious Resume Mistakes to Avoid

Written by: Betty Crisp

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Afraid You Won’t Have Time To Prepare For The Fourth of July Weekend?

Have to work the week of the Fourth of July? Me, too. Wondering how you’re going to get everything prepared for that cookout, party, or get together? Pondering what you can fix that’s quick, easy, AND healthy?

Here are some ideas for some Quick & Easy Sides and Salads. Some are healthy, some not as much (in case you prefer to splurge).

Want a quick and easy dessert that’s festive as well? Check out this recipe for Lemon Berry Trifle.

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While we’re taming your fear that you won’t have time to prepare for the Fourth, let’s tackle some fears in other areas of your life. Read our article on Overcoming the Fear of Interviewing, and follow our interview tips  as well as our job seeker tips.

You can also follow us on Pinterest and Like us on Facebook!

Have a safe, happy, and healthy Fourth!

Written by: Malaika Pickell

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Struggling To Keep Up With The Younger Generation In The Rat Race?

As we get older, it is harder to physically keep up with the younger crowd in the workforce. The older generation can suffer from health issues as well as from aches and pains. Even with these problems, retiring is just not an option at this time. Click on the picture below to give you “5 Natural Back Pain Remedies That Work” to help you do the best job that you can.

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5 Natural Back Pain Remedies That Work

Another worry for the older generation is being able to acquire and keep a position that pays a competitive salary. The frustrating fact is that a lot of companies are willing to trade tenure and experience for energy and a blank slate. Don’t get discouraged as your skills would benefit any company. To secure a fair salary, be sure to read our article What should your Compensation Requirements be? and follow our job search tips for advice.

You can also opt into our email course for guidance in obtaining that perfect job and follow us on Pinterest and “Like” us on Facebook!

Written by: Carrie Thomas

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace. Check out our Blog for additional interview tips. 

Should I Send A Thank You Note After My Interview?

After you’ve completed your interview, did you remember to send a thank-you note?  Many people think that once the interview is over, that all you have to do is wait to hear back.  In many instances, this is a sure way of assuring that you WILL NOT get the job.  In actual fact, the recruitment process continues on as the companies go on through the resumes and interview notes to help them to make the final decision.  A good follow up in the form of a thank you note may very well help tip the “scales” in your favor.

Please read our article Nothing Says Hire Me, Like a Thank You and check out the infographic below for an interview checklist.

Be sure to follow our interview tips for further advice and guidance. Also, be sure to opt into our email course for guidance on how to be more productive and more competitive in today’s job market. You can also follow us on Pinterest and “Like”us on Facebook!

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Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace. Check out our Blog for additional interview tips. 

Terminated From My Job, What Do I Do?

Have you been terminated from your job?  Whether it was from something you did wrong, or something that you failed to do?  It is something that you must own and move away from.

Your biggest worry now is whether or not someone will give you a chance before you even get to the interview. This will most likely entail an attitude adjustment about what the termination means and what you can do about it.

There are a few things that you can do that will give you a leg up, i.e. volunteering.  This will show your positive attitude and willingness to work.  Please read our article Leaving Your Position Under “Less Than Desirable” Circumstances  and follow our job seeker tips for advice.

Also, be sure to opt into our email course for guidance on how to be more productive and more competitive in today’s job market.  You can also follow us on Pinterest and “Like”us on Facebook!

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Found on careerealism .com

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace. Check out our Blog for additional interview tips. 

What You Should And Should Not Have On Your Resume

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Found on clarkscondensed. com

Do you feel secure that you are writing the very best resume that you can? There are a few items that you need to include and a few that you should not include.

Some items that you do want to include are as follows:

  1. At the top of the page, you want to show your contact information including your name, phone number, address as well as your email address.
  2. Then list your education, including your degree at the top of your resume. Certifications and continuing education should be listed under your work experience.
  3. Next, you want to list your work experience, beginning with the last job worked – going back to the first one worked, chronologically. When listing your work experience, be sure to show your skills relating to that job.
  4. Also take care to note any keywords from the job posting and make sure you work them into your resume.

The items that you do not want to include are as follows:

  1. Please don’t include a photo unless one has been requested
  2. Do not include personal information as there will be time later to talk of these things.
  3. Also, don’t show anything relative to salary unless it is asked for.

Take care with your wording to give a clear understanding of your skills and proof read to ensure that there are no errors in order for your resume to show professionalism. Please read our article Why Your Resume Isn’t Getting Read and follow our resume tips for advice. You can also opt into our email course for guidance in obtaining that perfect job and follow us on Pinterest and “Like” us on Facebook!

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace. Check out our Blog for additional interview tips. 

How Can I Exercise When I Travel For Work All The Time?

It’s hard to squeeze in exercise when you travel all the time. So here are a few ideas you might not have considered:

  • Take a walk to sightsee in the town you’re visiting. Walking two miles can burn 95 to over 200 calories, based on your weight and the speed you walk.
  • Walk to the restaurant instead of driving. Every bit adds up.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Can’t find a close parking space? No worries, the extra walk will help.
  • No exercise room at the hotel? Not much time? Check out the infogram below to see how squeezing in just these few exercises can add up fast to burn those calories away.
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Finding ways to efficiently get as much done as possible (like squeezing in the exercises above) is a great way to move forward toward your goals.

Looking for an efficient way to find your next great employment opportunity? Read our article 5 Tips to Identify a GREAT Recruitment Agency to help you keep reaching your professional goals.

Be sure to opt in to our email marketing campaign for further information regarding your health and how to meet both your personal and your business-related goals.  And check out our job search tips and interview tips as well.

You can also follow us on Pinterest and Like us on Facebook!

Written by: Malaika Pickell

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

New Day, New Resume!

Have you been brain-washed with the old rules of resume writing? Is your resume boring and not allowing your personality to show through? Are you trying to “stick” with these old rules? Please! It’s a new day.

You don’t want your resume to go “thru the black hole recruiting portal” but you DO want them to go into the “human” hands of the hiring managers. You DO want your “light” to shine through. You can still use the keywords that will be picked up by the search engines but use them as to appear human. You need to make your resume such that the human that ultimately sees your resume; sees and likes the person behind it. There really isn’t a safe way to write a resume so why not show your personality?

Please check out the following infographic and read our article Qualities Hiring Managers Want Most then follow our resume tips for guidance in becoming more competitive in the job market.  Be sure to opt into our email marketing campaign for further guidance. You can also follow us on Pinterest and Like us on Facebook!

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Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.