Determine Your Brand Prior To The Job Search

In this day and age, it is easy to imagine that you are invisible as you shoot off your resume into the unknown. However, your resume is part of your brand and you need to be careful of how you are branding yourself before you potentially hurt your career. I have compiled a list of top ways to appropriately sell your brand.

To begin, the first introduction that future employers have of you is your resume. Be consistent – if your resume falls into the same hands more than once, your resume will stand out as the hiring manager has viewed your resume before. Hiring managers go through hundreds of resumes a day so you need to stand out to make an impression. Other things to remember when creating your resume include the following:

  • The most important thing to remember is clarity. Hiring managers need to tell at a glance if you have the skills that they are looking for. Have a short section at the top that hits your highlights and skills. You will want to bullet each sentence, wordy paragraphs are skimmed and do not register your skills with the hiring manager
  • Keep the same font throughout your resume. The easiest that I have found to read is Arial 11, with my name and contact information centered at the top of the first page at Arial 14 bold.  I also capitalize and bold, (still Arial 11), the different sections
  • Be very clear in your employment experience of company name, title, and dates of employment. Employers are looking for longevity and not short tenures so you want the hiring manager to clearly see this section. If you are a contractor, listing your clients is a must as this will show you were actually an employed contractor. If left to the imagination, hiring managers will fear the worst, in every case

Secondly, remember that you are a brand. You need to decide what you are selling and stand behind that. This is for who you are on social media, on your resume, on job boards, blogs, etc. If you change your product from platform to platform, then you are not building a strong brand. Hiring managers review these different platforms as part of the interview process. If you are a chameleon, you will forget what you are selling, which will hurt your brand and your chances at that employment.

Another element that you need to consider is to make sure you are competitive in the salary that you are advertising. This is important whether too high or too low; too low and you are underselling your value, too high and you are overlooked. You need to know the price of your product. is a great place to investigate what your salary should be – you will just plug in your title and location to get the average salaries for your respective field.

Lastly, if you do not have a LinkedIn profile, you must do this right away. This site is advertising your professional merits at no charge. Take care to build an error free, (especially grammar errors!), fully complete profile. Take care to ensure you are using the correct title for the industry you are looking to advance your career in. For example, if you are a CRA, (Clinical Research Associate), make sure this title is clear in your profile, you don’t want to just say President or Independent Consultant if you are a contract CRA. If a hiring manager is confused by what you are offering, they may not use one of the free inmails that LinkedIn offers. You shouldn’t make your personal email address visible here but if you wanted to create a separate email account for hiring managers to reach you, then now is a great time so you can make that email address visible on LinkedIn, so it is easy to contact you. LinkedIn is a great place to connect with future employers.

Focus your career on where you are trying to go and take it step by step and before you know it, you will be on the top. Your brand, your business – stay consistent and be fruitful! With these tips, you are on your way to success!

You can also follow our job search tips and opt into our email course for advice and guidance. Be sure to follow us on Pinterest and “Like” us on Facebook!

Written By: Carrie Thomas

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

How To Stay Organized During Your Job Search

As a job seeker, are you dedicated to finding that perfect job?  Are you organized in your efforts?  If not, there are a few things that you can do that will help you to keep your job search organized.

Part of that organization includes you knowing who you applied to and when you applied to a specific company, as well as to when you should do a follow up with the company.  If you can make or develop a specific system that works for you and that you can stick with, you will be on your way to staying on top of your job search and landing the job you want.

If you are wondering how to become a top-notch job seeker, please read our article 5 Tactics to Toughen You Up and follow our job seeker tips to help you improve your job search and organizational skills.  Also, be sure to opt into our email courses to guide you.

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Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace. Check out our Blog for additional interview tips

Can’t Bear the Idea of Exercising Today?

You know you should work out, but some days it’s just hard to find the motivation. The short term benefit of zoning on the couch in front of the TV seems far greater than the long term benefit of getting in shape and getting healthy.

Or sometimes your life is so busy, there’s no time to zone on the couch, so the idea of finding time to exercise is even more daunting.

But remember that getting in shape is not the only benefit of exercise. If you lack energy, exercise can increase your metabolism and give you more get-up-and-go juice.

And those endorphins to help you feel better about life in general? I’ll have some of that, please!

Exercise can feel hard sometimes, whether it’s the initial act of adding exercise to your life, the daily “I should exercise now”, or the actual workout. But thinking about how it makes you feel when you’ve exercised can help you find the incentive to get up and get moving.

I saw this and loved it. I know I’m going to use it for inspiration.

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While we’re on the subject of doing things that can add to our happiness, health, and overall satisfaction, read our article How to Find the Right Job for You. Having a job you love can transform your life.

Check out our interview tips and  job search tips, and be sure to opt into our email marketing campaign for further guidance. You can also follow us on Pinterest, and Like us on Facebook!

Written by: Malaika Pickell

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Does Having Recent Experience Matter?

When a candidate has an interview, a common question that will be asked is “What recent experience do you have?” You need to prepare what to say as your response will provide the hiring manager insight into whether they want to continue with the interview. Having recent experience is a quality and skill that managers would like in a professional. The three reasons why having recent experience matter include: up to date knowledge, excellent soft skills, and that you are an independent professional in the industry.

  1. Up to date knowledge will demonstrate to the hiring manager that you can bring ideas, suggestions, and proposals that will be a benefit to the company. If you are in the clinical industry, it will also show that you have knowledge in recent regulations and in good clinical practice.
  2. Along with techniques and skills, excellent soft skills also come from recent experience. It will be difficult for the hiring manger to determine if you have great communication skills if you do not have recent experience in the industry. Soft skills are an important skill to grow and without recent experience; one cannot practice and demonstrate on an everyday basis. Having excellent soft skills is a quality that hiring managers would like in a candidate as strong communication skills is important in every position.
  3. The third reason why it matters to have recent experience is that it will show that you are an independent professional. A hiring manager’s desire will be to hire an individual who knows what to expect in the industry and knows what to do with concerns or ideas without having to be coached and trained on the basic aspects of your job. Having an individual that can come into an organization as an independent because of recent experience will highlight to the hiring manager that they will not have to hand hold individual and is an attractive trait to all hiring managers. Not only does this show the hiring manager that they can avoid spending more money and time in training you but will also show that you can help grow the company.

If you do not have recent experience, there are steps you can take to gain access back into the industry and to gain the experience that hiring managers look for. If you would like to gain experience and get back into the industry, you will have to start from the bottom to show your dedication. You can start by taking clinical courses such as the ACRP and gain clinical certifications, applying for entry level positions, and communicating with past mentors and old managers to help build your network. Networking is such an important task to do and you should do it at all times. By networking, you can start to gain experience and stay up-to-date with the knowledge of the industry. You can also use your network to communicate where you desire your career to go in the industry. Likewise, by connecting with your past mentors and managers, this will help grow your networking by introducing you to new professionals in the industry and will help broaden your chances to gain additional experience needed.

You can also follow our job search tips and opt into our email course for advice and guidance. Be sure to follow us on Pinterest and “Like” us on Facebook!

Written By: Natalie Prigge 

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

The Stress Free Job Search

We all struggle with staying healthy. When you are looking for a job, whether you are trying to leave a dead end position or just starting your career, the stress of a job search can deeply impact your health.

A stressful part of the job search is trying to build your resume. Whether you have had a lot of different positions or not enough experience to fill a page, your resume is a crucial part of the application process and we want you to come across as a skilled candidate. Check out our article How Many Jobs Should I Include On My Resume? that will guide you how to have a great resume and check out the infographic below on ways you can de-stress to stay fresh and bright-eyed.

You can also follow our resume tips and opt into our email course for advice and guidance. Be sure to follow us on Pinterest and “Like” us on Facebook!

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Written By: Carrie Thomas

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Do You Know How To Score Your Next Phone Interview?

Let’s talk a minute about phone interviews.  I know that you know how to wow your future employer in person, but how do you go about doing that very same thing on the phone?  It’s just as important to know how to impress that future employer by using your voice alone.

You must be ready to show your enthusiasm, passion, confidence, and sense of humor.  Always keep in mind that a smile can be heard as well as to be seen.  Then above all that, you must be patient & ready to listen.

Please read our article How to Conduct Powerful Phone Interviews, then follow our interview tips. Also, if you click on the picture below, there is an article to additional advice on preparing for that phone interview.  Be sure to opt into our email course for advice!

You can also follow us on Pinterest and “Like” us on Facebook!

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Check Out This Great Article How to Persuade Someone to Hire You Over the Phone

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace. Check out our Blog for additional interview tips. 

Tips To Help You Answer Important Job Interview Questions!

Are you looking for a job? Are you ready for that all important interview? Have you put any thought into the types of questions that will be asked, and even more important, how to answer them?

Please read our article Ten Fatal Interviewing Mistakes then check out the following infographic for a list of questions that may be asked and the answers that will help land you the job. We have provided you with additional articles that will help you in your interview; follow our interview tips for further advice and guidance. Be sure to opt into our email course for additional help in becoming the best candidate for that all important position you are seeking. Also, you can follow us on Pinterest and Like us on Facebook!

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Written by: Betty Crisp

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Land The Position Of Your Dreams!

If you are in the throes of a job search, then you will want to go beyond the old standards of job hunting, of cleaning up your resume, of expanding your network, and of improving your social media presence.

These things are still very relevant and continue to be important, however, you really need to kick-off your search from a position of strength.

First, go for quality over quantity in your application, i.e., customizing your application to the position you are applying for. You also need to reach out to past managers and co-workers who loved your work. Write better cover letters, adding new information such as personal traits, work habits, and, most importantly, show a genuine interest in the job and the company you are applying for. Learn from past mistakes by applying for jobs where you will be happy and able to excel in. Don’t agonize over when you will hear back from the employer and move on by continuing to apply to other opportunities. You should also pass along an opportunity to a friend if a job looks better suited to them as it not only is a very nice thing to do but it also helps from a networking perspective.

Clinical Research Associate Recruiters, Clinical Recruitment, Recruiting Tips, CRA Recruitment, Clinical Research Recruitment, CRA Recruiting, Clinical Research Recruiting

Great article! 6 Resolutions That Will Land You a Job in 2015

Please read our article Qualities Hiring Managers Most Want and follow our job seeker tips for advice. Also be sure to opt into our email course for additional guidance in becoming the very best candidate available. Also, you can follow us on Pinterest and Like us on Facebook!

Written by: Betty Crisp

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

No Energy To Tackle Your Upcoming Interview?

Getting ready for a face-to-face interview? Are you stressing out?  Have you gotten into a real slump and don’t know what to do about it?

You know that you really have to get over this “out-of-body” feeling that you are experiencing before your interview, but how?

Revving up your metabolism can restore not only your health, but also your attitude.  Check out this article on 6 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism to get you in top notch condition, both physically and emotionally, and have you more than ready to tackle that interview.

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To further ease your anxiety and make sure you’re prepared for the interview, make sure to read our article How to Prepare for the Face-to-Face Interview, and check out our interview tips and job search tips.

Be sure to opt into our email marketing campaign for further guidance. You can also follow us on Pinterest and Like us on Facebook!

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

How To Find A Job Or Hire A Candidate Using Social Media

In today’s job market, social media has become the “be all” of job searching and searching for new candidates for your company. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, among other sites, have become predominant, due to the online availability and ease of these web-sites.

LinkedIn is likely the most popular as this web-site is a professional, career platform, being a principally career development site. From the job seekers perspective, LinkedIn connects with both recruiters and headhunters and it will boost their chances of finding job opportunities. Make sure your profile is complete and take advantage of the “about me” section. It gives you the chance to showcase your achievements as well as to the type of person you are. LinkedIn is very powerful and, as a social media outlet, can be an incredible opportunity for connecting with recruiters who work in your targeted area and career path.

Please read our article How to Get The Most From LinkedIn Groups and follow our job search tips for advice. Be sure to opt into our email marketing campaign for further guidance in how to become more competitive in today’s job market. You can also follow us on Pinterest and “Like” us on Facebook!

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Check out this article on “When Should You Connect with Recruiters on LinkedIn?”

Written by: Betty Crisp

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.