What Hiring Managers Wish Candidates Knew

Hiring Managers actually want candidates to be honest! There are too many job applicants that approach the interview as if their only goal is to win the job, losing sight of the fact that it might be the wrong job for them. It is important that you are truthful about your strengths and your weaknesses in order for the Hiring Manager to see the real you. Please read our article Recruit and Hire the Best to help guide you to finding the very best employee for your company. Also, be sure to opt into our email course for advice! You can also follow us on Pinterest, and Like us on Facebook!

hiring managers, job seekers, honesty, resumes, interview,

Check out this article on 21 things hiring managers wish candidates knew!

Written by Betty Crisp

Dedicated to Every Client’s Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you ever involved with the hiring process? If so, sign up for our Hiring Manager email course which focuses on how to attract and hire the highest quality candidates.

Clinical Research and How It Saves Lives

How important is Clinical Research to you, your family, or your friends? With so many diseases that have touched all of our lives, clinical research is one of the most noble career paths that you can take.

The human race’s technology and education growth has soared over the past century, curing thousands of diseases in the process. It is dire that together we stay involved, furthering clinical research through clinical trials.

There are hundreds of jobs in the clinical industry where you can do your part and the majority of them do not require a MD. I think we all want a career that not only pays our bills but is something we are passionate about. Can you imagine saving lives and getting paid to do so?! Waking up with a smile, ready to tackle the next obstacle?

craresources specializes in the placement of Clinical Research Associates. Please be sure to read our article How to Become a CRA, a great career that contributes heavily in the furthering of clinical research. You can also get tons of career advice, from where to start and resume creation, by visiting craresources blog.  Be sure to opt into our email courses for advice and guidance.  You can also follow us on Pinterest, and “Like” us on Facebook!

Written by: Carrie Thomas

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Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace. Check out our Blog for additional career tips. 

How Do You Choose The Right Career?

Some people seem to be born knowing what they want to do as a career. Others spend enormous amounts of time trying to decide what to do with themselves. Please read our article on How to Find the Right Job For You.

Follow our job search tips to get you started, and opt into our email marketing campaign for advice! You can also follow us on Pinterest and Like us on Facebook!

Check out these ten tips for a successful job search!

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Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Betty Crisp

Are you considering a career change? We are a niche clinical staffing firm! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

The Cost Of Lying On Your Resume

Would you ever consider lying on your resume? Have you thought of the possible ramifications of misrepresenting facts, omitting certain facts relative to your qualifications, job history, or education? Check out this infographic to see if you are one of these offenders, then read our article, Hiring Managers, Do Employment Gaps Matter and follow our resume tips for information on how lying on your resume can keep you from that PERFECT job! Opt into our email marketing campaign for further help. You can also follow us on Pinterest, and Like us on Facebook!

resume, resume tips, job seekers,

Written by: Betty Crisp

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Are You Challenged in Your Job?

Clinical Research Recruiting, Clinical Recruitment, Recruiting Tips, CRA Recruitment, Clinical Research Recruitment, CRA Recruiting,

You should always strive to better yourself, and to better your life. Especially in a new position you should seek to differentiate yourself from your peers in a good way. Follow our tips on How To Transition Into Your New Job. When you’re challenged, you grow! Follow our job seeker tips to get you started and opt into our email marketing campaign for advice! You can also follow us on Pinterest and Like us on Facebook!

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Jessica Nguyen

Are you considering a career change? We specialize in clinical research recruiting! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Do Managers Care What’s On Social Media Profiles?

More people than ever are taking advantage of Social Media to help them find a suitable job. However, there are still reasons for a candidate to be very careful when using Social Media. Please read our article How the Job Search Has Changed. Follow our job search tips, and opt into our email marketing campaign for advice! You can also follow us on Pinterest, and Like us on Facebook!

social media, employees, employers, bosses, jobs,

Check out this article on how social media has impacted employees!

Written by: Betty Crisp

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Who Should I Hire?

When Hiring Managers sit down together to decide which candidate is going to get the job offer, they must look beyond skills and qualifications. Hiring Managers have to dig into who the candidate is as a person, how they relate to those around them, and decide if the candidate would fit into their work culture.

Please read our article Do You Know Who You Are Hiring? The Importance of Background Checks and follow our Hiring Manager tips to guide you in making those very important decisions and getting the best candidate for the job. You can also follow us on Pinterest, and Like us on Facebook!

hiring managers, job seekers, jobs,

Check out this article on how hiring managers make hiring decisions!

Written by Betty Crisp

Dedicated to Every Client’s Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you ever involved with the hiring process? If so, sign up for our Hiring Manager email course which focuses on how to attract and hire the highest quality candidates.

Should I Send A Follow Up Email To My Application?

When you use the social networking system when seeking a job, do you follow-up with an email, and how long should you wait before doing so? This might seem like panic time to you while you wait to hear whether or not your resume has been received, however, there may be hundreds of other applicants for the same position you are applying for!

Please read our article How to Use Your Network When Job Hunting and check out our job search tips to guide you. Also, be sure to opt into our email course for advice! You can also follow us on Pinterest and Like us on Facebook!

email, job seekers, job search tips,

Check out this article on What To Do When Your E-mail Goes Unanswered!

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Betty Crisp

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

What’s Holding You Back?

Blog post photo

Being a job seeker is stressful. If you are currently out of a job you have that constant worry in the pit of your stomach to find another position. If you are currently at a job that you are unhappy with, you’re miserable. However in any aspect of your life, whether it is finding a better position, going back to school, or making a lifestyle change, you need to make the jump to end up where you want to be! Follow our job seeker tips to get you started, and opt into our email marketing campaign for advice! You can also follow us on Pinterest, and Like us on Facebook!

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Jessica Nguyen

Are you considering a career change or beginning to work with CRA Recruiting Agencies? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Powerful Resume Words!

Check out this 20 Resume Power Words Infographic for you to look over when you are preparing your resume! Pick and choose your power words carefully and make your resume the very best possible. Select a few of them that are relevant to your skills. Please read our article How to Beat the Keyword Scanning Systems. Follow our job seeker tips to help you prepare your resume, and opt into our email marketing campaign for advice! You can also follow us on Pinterest, and Like us on Facebook!

resume, resume help, resume words, job seekers, job search,

Written by Betty Crisp

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.