Leaving your position under “Less than Desirable” circumstances

Perhaps you left your last job without giving a notice, was asked to step down from your position, failed at successfully executing a job role or project, or just simply didn’t get along with your last boss. Should you still … Continue reading

Should you Include Temporary or Short Term Positions on your Resume?

Of all the obstacles resume writers face, how to address the issue of temporary work or short term positions seems to be the most common. Should you list a position you only held for a few months? If you exclude … Continue reading

Overcoming the Fear of Interviewing

The pressure to impress and succeed can be overwhelming, and appearing anxious during the interview can make you come across unprepared and unqualified. Here are a few tricks to calm your nerves and give you the confidence to make a … Continue reading

Why Your Resume Isn’t Getting Read

In today’s economy, high unemployment rates and waning job security have created an onslaught of professionals searching for work. For every one job opening, there are more than four times as many applicants as there were in the mid- 2000s. … Continue reading