How To Find A Job Or Hire A Candidate Using Social Media

In today’s job market, social media has become the “be all” of job searching and searching for new candidates for your company. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, among other sites, have become predominant, due to the online availability and ease of … Continue reading

Questions You Need To Ask During Your Interview

When you go for your interview, have you prepared questions for the interviewer? The questions you ask the interviewer shows him how much preparation that you have put into interview, which in turn, shows the hiring manager just how interested … Continue reading

Resume Blunders To Avoid

Have you put any thought into the “Not-So-Obvious-Resume Mistakes” that are really easy to make but are real killers to your resume? Among them are using abbreviations – that shows laziness as well as a lack of professionalism. Another is … Continue reading

Afraid You Won’t Have Time To Prepare For The Fourth of July Weekend?

Have to work the week of the Fourth of July? Me, too. Wondering how you’re going to get everything prepared for that cookout, party, or get together? Pondering what you can fix that’s quick, easy, AND healthy? Here are some … Continue reading