Struggling To Keep Up With The Younger Generation In The Rat Race?

As we get older, it is harder to physically keep up with the younger crowd in the workforce. The older generation can suffer from health issues as well as from aches and pains. Even with these problems, retiring is just … Continue reading

Should I Send A Thank You Note After My Interview?

After you’ve completed your interview, did you remember to send a thank-you note?  Many people think that once the interview is over, that all you have to do is wait to hear back.  In many instances, this is a sure … Continue reading

Terminated From My Job, What Do I Do?

Have you been terminated from your job?  Whether it was from something you did wrong, or something that you failed to do?  It is something that you must own and move away from. Your biggest worry now is whether or … Continue reading

What You Should And Should Not Have On Your Resume

Do you feel secure that you are writing the very best resume that you can? There are a few items that you need to include and a few that you should not include. Some items that you do want to … Continue reading