Cover Letters and Resumes – Necessary or Not?

Do you make the mistake of not including a cover letter with your resume?

Whether or not you do, the cover letter is a critical part of the resume as it allows the Hiring Manager to determine the job you are applying for as well as how interested you are in working for that particular company. It also is your chance to communicate of where you learned of this position as well as letting the Hiring Manager know of specific skills and pertinent facts that do not show on your resume.

Please read our article How to Write an Effective Cover Letter and follow our resume tips to guide you and help get you started in becoming more effective in your job search.

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Be sure to opt in to our email marketing campaign for further guidance regarding your health and your ability to become a more competitive employee.  And check out our job search tips and interview tips as well.

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Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Great Interview, Now What?

What do you do after the interview to ensure that you are the one to get the job?

Remember to follow up with a thank-you note quickly, while the interview is still fresh in your mind. This is vital as it keeps you in the mind of the interviewer . Do this by email, then by a hand-written note. You may feel that this is being overzealous but it isn’t. In today’s world, the email is critical because the job could be filled before your hand-written note could be received, which is normally 5-7 days. It is always good to do the hand written note as it goes to intent. Mention something personal that was discussed during the interview, be sure to be honest and reiterate why you think this job and company is a good fit for you. Proof-read your note to make sure there are no errors, in grammar or spelling.

Then, even if this particular job falls through, check back with the interviewer along, in case something else comes up that might be a good fit for you. Please read our article Ten Fatal Interviewing Mistakes.

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Found on theeverygirl. com

Follow our interview tips for advice. Also, be sure to opt into our email course for guidance and help in preparing you for this interview.  You can also follow us on Pinterest and “Like” us on Facebook!

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace. Check out our Blog for additional interview tips. 

How Robots Are Killing Your Chance For A Job Interview

Wondering why you are not getting an interview request when applying to positions online? Most companies are now using ATS (applicant tracking systems), which is a software program that reads and ranks your resume according to keywords. This has created quite a challenge for the job seeker when writing their resume.

You imagine that it is your skills and accomplishments will make you standout, however, while the human eye will pick these up, the ATS is looking at keywords.

This makes it more and more critical that you pay attention to the job posting’s description and the roles and responsibilities that need to be shown on your resume. Present them in a way that will stand out so the recruiter will take notice. Highlight the things that are special about you to help you gain an interview.

Please read our article How to Beat the Resume Keyword Scanning Systems then be sure to opt into our email course and follow our resume tips for advice in preparing you to be more effective in your job search.  You can also follow us on Pinterest and Like us on Facebook! The infographic below will further guide you.

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Infographic found on mashable. com

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

How do Entry Level Candidates Compete in the Interview?

Being a job seeker in this economy can be stressful; however being new to the job force brings even more stress! Every professional has been in your shoes and anyone who has looked for a job has gone through a bad interview or two. Remember, interviews are all about first impressions: how you act, look, what you say and what you don’t say are scrutinized and evaluated; therefore, it is important to know that it is not the hiring manager who determines if you get that awesome entry level job.

It is you!

If you feel competing with seasoned professionals is a daunting task, you will want to make sure you highlight what characteristics you do have that tenured professionals may not. Three areas to consider:

  1. Make sure to express your hunger for career growth. You want to be clear that you are ambitious and have passion for your industry.
  2. Additionally, you should also illustrate your technical abilities as almost every position leans heavily on technology, so showing that you are tech savvy is critically important.
  3. Articulate how you want to work for THEM. Being able to articulate how working in this particular position for this specific company will enable you to achieve your career goals will clearly express two things: a) you are in control of your career and b) you are committed to them.

Show, don’t tell, the hiring manager these traits by using proper techniques to show off your skills and accomplishments.

  1. Demonstrate these qualities by walking your interviewer through a project you’ve worked on while highlighting your individual contributions and accomplishments. Make sure you are emphasizing what tasks you have done (using the pronoun “I” rather than just what the overall team accomplished using the pronoun “we”).
  2. Most hiring managers want to hire someone who will successfully assimilate into the work environment as well as show they are interested in taking risks and accepting challenges; therefore show leadership ability, while at the same time show your likeability, courage and the ability to work as an integral team member.
  3. Most importantly, show the “and then some” characteristic, providing examples where you have gone above and beyond the call of duty by taking on additional responsibilities without being asked.
  4. Lastly, since you are an entry level candidate, it is extremely important to relate responses to interview questions to a previous class project, internship, or part time job. For example, describing a specific class project shows teamwork, how you manage others, your creativity, motivation, innovation, and your problem solving skills. Describing an internship will show how you have real hands-on experience and can also show the passion you have for your career field. And lastly, describing how you balanced that part time job while going to school shows independence as well as incredible time management and organizational skills.

In summary, you want to show the hiring manager your work ethic. Additionally you want to exhibit that you are a “hands-on” person, as well as a strategic and critical thinker. And lastly, you must display you are someone who has the courage to take on risks and accept the challenge of competing with those more tenured professionals. Demonstrating these characteristics will prove you truly do have relevant experience.

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace. Check out our Blog for additional interview tips. 

Help! How Do I Eat Healthily On My High-Travel Job?

It’s important to take care of your body so you feel your best and your brain is working at full capacity. Your diet is a major part of this. Even if you try to eat healthily on a regular basis, travel can be fraught with temptations and challenges.

When eating at a restaurant, you can do your best to make healthier choices, or ask for a carry-out box to “hide” a portion of your food so you don’t eat the whole thing, whether or not you plan to take your carry-out box with you.

Does unhealthy snack food tempt you? You can travel with food or you can stop by a grocery store to buy fresh fruit and produce for snacks, and carry a small cooler or insulated lunch bag. Consider hard boiled eggs, veggies with hummus, or fruit salad.

Can’t make an insulated lunch bag work? Try apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, nectarines, etc. You get the idea.

Have a craving for particular unhealthy foods often? Sweets? Salty foods? Fatty snacks?  Check out this infogram to see what kind of healthier foods you need to have on hand to satisfy those cravings:

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Source: pinterest

You can do this!

Traveling for a job interview? Check out our article How to Prepare for the Face-to-Face Interview and follow our interview tips and our job seeker tips in your continued search. You can also follow us on Pinterest, and Like us on Facebook!

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Dragging On The Job? Want To Put Your Best Foot Forward?

Are you feeling undervalued? Do you feel that you have been performing above your specific job description? Maybe since you feel that you do everything you’re supposed to do on the job, you are actually lacking that specific “shine” or “sparkle” that would make you stand out.

A great way to help resolve this is to start by being more healthy and eating those “superfoods” that will help you to become a more healthy and happy individual which will, in turn, give you that added “sparkle” on the job.

By projecting a healthy and happy attitude in addition to your performance on the job, your supervisor will be more inclined to grant you that raise when you do feel that the time is right to ask for one. Please read our article How to Ask for a Raise. Check out the following infogram for a list of “superfoods” that you should eat to become that “super-charged” employee that is deserving of that raise.

Source: liv lig - online .com

Source: liv lig – online .com


Be sure to opt into our email courses for advice and guidance.  You can also follow us on Pinterest, and “Like” us on Facebook!

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace. Check out our Blog for additional interview tips. 

Pursuing A New Job? Ensure You Are Taking The Right Steps!

As a job seeker, how many steps do you actually take before you consider your job search efforts complete? Where do you begin? There are a few steps that are extremely important when beginning to actually look for that position.

  1. Fine tune that Resume.
  2. Clean up your Social Media, (this is critical).
  3. Follow up after submitting the Resume.
  4. Get ready for your Interview (this includes researching the company and position you are applying for).

Please read our article How the Job Search Has Changed and follow our job seeker tips to properly prepare you for the job hunting experience that will land you that fantastic job you are looking for.


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Source: Live Like You Are

Be sure to opt into our email courses for advice and guidance.  You can also follow us on Pinterest, and “Like” us on Facebook!

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace. Check out our Blog for additional interview tips. 

Help, I am Terrified of Interviewing!

Everyone gets a little nervous in an interview – it’s just natural.  How do you find the perfect balance between confidence and overcompensating to the point of appearing arrogant?  Please read our article Overcoming the Fear of Interviewing and follow our interview tips to help guide you in overcoming those fears.  Also, be sure to opt into our email course for advice on completing the perfect interview for that perfect job.  You can also follow us on Pinterest, and “Like” us on Facebook!

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Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Everyone thinks they’re organized in their career. But are you really?

Does your job have what seems like a million small tasks every day that you cannot seem
to accomplish?  Although getting ahead in your job doesn’t mean that you have to suck up to
your boss, you do have to do the tasks that are assigned you.

There are a number of things you can do and ideas on ways to do them that will help you to become a more efficient and satisfied employee, which may in turn even help keep your boss happy.  Please read our article 7 Tips to Become More Organized and check out the following infogram for further advice.

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Follow our job seeker tips and opt into our email marketing campaign for great advice! You can also follow us on Pinterest, and Like us on Facebook!

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We are niche clinical research associate recruiters! Sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Wondering Why Employers Are Not Calling – Your Resume May Be Broken!

Is your resume broken? Which mistakes are you making? Are you aware that the very simplest mistakes can result in your resume not being read?

Please read our article Why Your Resume Isn’t Getting Read and check out the following infogram for help in alleviating those problems.

You can also read craresources main blog and follow our resume and career advice and guidance on how to become more competitive in today’s job market. Be sure to opt into our email courses for advice and guidance.  You can also follow us on Pinterest, and “Like” us on Facebook!

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Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace. Check out our Blog for additional interview tips.