Underperforming Employees?

One of the most frustrating things for a manager or a small business owner is to see a smart, talented employee underperforming. As a hiring manager, it is your job to motivate these employees to work harder, be smarter, and … Continue reading

Do Managers Care What’s On Social Media Profiles?

More people than ever are taking advantage of Social Media to help them find a suitable job. However, there are still reasons for a candidate to be very careful when using Social Media. Please read our article How the Job … Continue reading

Are You A Respectable Employer?

As a Hiring Manager, it’s hard to lead a company, manage a team, and gain accomplishments while still being respected. Respect is earned, and often the people most respected are those that didn’t have to earn it. They just do … Continue reading

Do You Have Effective Leading Habits?

There have been several articles and books written relative to habits of highly effective hiring managers. They keep their employees informed as to the good, bad and ugly news with full transparency in order to have a fully competent team. … Continue reading

Tools to Boost Your Brand

As a Hiring Manager, you must see dozens of innovative “new replacements” for the resume, however, they are not quite ready to replace the standard paper resume. The standard paper resume continues to remain the constant for the job seekers marketing process.  There are … Continue reading

Are You A Good Boss?

As a Hiring Manager, there is a need for balance giving both positive and negative feedback with your employees. You must lead your team in order to reach your goals but you must concurrently guide and monitor them along the … Continue reading

Why You Should Value Employees Over Policies

As a Hiring Manager, do you often find a lack of trust, fear, or even politics in the work place? Please read our article 5 Ways to Kill Employee Morale. Follow our Hiring Manager tips to help you sort these … Continue reading

Is Your Remote Team Effective?

Worried about how productive and efficient your telecommuting team members are?  I would be surprised if you actually stated that you are NOT concerned. As a hiring manager, you probably already know there are many advantages to providing a telecommuting … Continue reading

5 Ways to Kill Employee Morale

Making sure the company is running efficiently and effectively is more complicated than hiring qualified people and telling them what to do. Having an incredible staff to support and carry out your business’ goals will only get you so far; … Continue reading

Why Your Attrition Rate is So High

Many managers find that they struggle to control their attrition rates. It seems that no matter what they do or who they hire, they have a hard time getting employees to stick around. Some chalk it up to the industry, … Continue reading