How To Find A Job Or Hire A Candidate Using Social Media

In today’s job market, social media has become the “be all” of job searching and searching for new candidates for your company. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, among other sites, have become predominant, due to the online availability and ease of … Continue reading

Resume Blunders To Avoid

Have you put any thought into the “Not-So-Obvious-Resume Mistakes” that are really easy to make but are real killers to your resume? Among them are using abbreviations – that shows laziness as well as a lack of professionalism. Another is … Continue reading

Struggling To Keep Up With The Younger Generation In The Rat Race?

As we get older, it is harder to physically keep up with the younger crowd in the workforce. The older generation can suffer from health issues as well as from aches and pains. Even with these problems, retiring is just … Continue reading

Terminated From My Job, What Do I Do?

Have you been terminated from your job?  Whether it was from something you did wrong, or something that you failed to do?  It is something that you must own and move away from. Your biggest worry now is whether or … Continue reading

How Can I Exercise When I Travel For Work All The Time?

It’s hard to squeeze in exercise when you travel all the time. So here are a few ideas you might not have considered: Take a walk to sightsee in the town you’re visiting. Walking two miles can burn 95 to … Continue reading

Job Searching When You Are Over 50

Are you an older person (over age 50) and looking for work? Were you among the thousands that were laid off during the recession? Are you working hard trying to find a way to get back into the workforce? There … Continue reading

Is Your Job Making You Happy?

Are you happy at work?  Do some days seem gray when you would like to be anywhere other than on the job? I’m sure that there are days that you feel completely miserable and seem to be waiting for the proverbial shoe … Continue reading

Are Foods Promoted As “Health Foods” Deceiving You?

The definition of what qualifies as “health food” is ever-changing. We hear how unhealthy eggs are, then ten years later we hear that they’re great for you. We hear we should cut out all fat from our daily diet, then five years … Continue reading

Want To Become An Exercise Junkie?

It can be very difficult to get in the “groove” and become that person who lives to run or just do ANY kind of exercise.  But exercising is addictive and after a while you feel as though your day is … Continue reading

Would You Like To Nail Your Next Phone Interview?

Are you ready for that phone call that you have been hoping for? Have you made proper arrangements? If you should be lucky enough to receive this call, which is the next step in the application process, then you need … Continue reading