Are You Prepared For Networking Events?

There are three phases to networking success. Before the networking event: Set personal goals During the networking event: Connect! After the networking event: Follow-up! It is critical that you are aware of these phases when you are networking for a … Continue reading

Why Organization is a Job Seeker’s Best Friend

Check out this article on How to Increase Organization in the Workplace! Many job searchers start their day to day with a feeling of dread in the pit of their stomach. How do you organize your job applications, and how … Continue reading

How You Can Cross That Finish Line

Would you like to be able to cross that finish line no matter how long it takes? Please read our article 5 Tactics to Toughen You Up. Follow our job search tips to help you find and follow your desires, … Continue reading

Do You Know What You Want From Your Career?

Make good choices…Do you know what you want out of life? From your career? Please read our article Entry Level Candidates: What you have that Seasoned Professionals don’t . Follow our job seeker tips to get started and opt into … Continue reading

Are You Using Your Network To Your Advantage?

There are several mistakes that you make when job hunting that you are not aware of that you could be making. Common among them is talking about yourself too much. We realize that you are selling yourself by letting employers … Continue reading

Are You Positive At Work?

Some of us really enjoy our jobs, some of us don’t. This is the reality of the job market today. Some of us may have the option of finding another position but being realistic, in the current economy, most of … Continue reading

What Do You Do When You Hit Rock Bottom Job Searching?

When you hit rock bottom in your job search, what do you do? Do you just give up or do you pick yourself up and strive to get on with your ambitions? Please read our article 5 Tactics to Toughen … Continue reading

How Can I Use LinkedIn to Land a Job?

How can I make LinkedIn more useful in landing a job? A lot of companies nowadays check out candidates’ LinkedIn profiles in addition to their resumes. Please read our article 5 Common LinkedIn Mistakes. Please follow our job search tips … Continue reading

How Should I Dress For My Interview?

Are you worried about how you should dress for an interview? If so, please read our article Ten Fatal Interviewing Mistakes, to help you make these decisions. Follow our job seeker tips get you started, and opt into our email … Continue reading

7 Tips to Become more Organized

One of the key elements to success is to have strong organizational skills. Organization is an excellent indicator of professionalism and the ability to prioritize. In any company as you climb the ranks, you take on more and more responsibilities…and … Continue reading