Resume Killers!

Writing a resume can be very tricky! Usually you have only a limited amount of space as well as time in which to describe yourself and your capabilities. There are several words and phrases that you should NOT use. Please … Continue reading

What Buzz Words Should Be In Your Resume?

In today’s society, your resume is the most important document that you can use to get yourself an interview. There are words that are extremely important for you to use and there are words that you should NEVER use. Please … Continue reading

Interview Do’s and Don’ts

There are some major “do’s” and “don’ts” of “body language” as well as of personal grooming and attire when interviewing. Check out the infogram below for some of those tips and please read our article Ten Fatal Interviewing Mistakes to … Continue reading

Are You Listing Technical Skills On Your Resume?

Are you aware that now on your resume, you need to show your familiarity with all the new technical skills that are available, in addition to the skills necessary to do the job being recruited for? Please read our article … Continue reading

7 Tips to Become more Organized

One of the key elements to success is to have strong organizational skills. Organization is an excellent indicator of professionalism and the ability to prioritize. In any company as you climb the ranks, you take on more and more responsibilities…and … Continue reading

Why Networking is Important in Job Searching

Do you ever find yourself wanting to reach out to someone but hesitate to do so for fear that they will either ignore you or question why you are bothering them? If so, then please read our article How the … Continue reading

What Questions Should You Ask Your Interviewer?

Do you put a bit of thought into the types of questions that you need to ask the interviewer who is interviewing you? There are several things that you, as a prospective employee, really need to know (i.e. what the … Continue reading

How to Handle a Layoff

In this economy, unfortunately layoffs are inevitable.  When a layoff happens, of course you want to ensure you have covered yourself regarding benefits, unemployment, severance, etc. (see a great article on this on However, beyond this initial reaction, what … Continue reading

Job Seekers, should you work with Niched Clinical Recruiting Agencies?

Choosing the right recruiter is critical while searching for new jobs. And, with such a wide array of staffing agencies to choose from, I am sure it may feel like finding the right firm may be harder than finding the … Continue reading

How to Become a CRA

Any Clinical Research Associate (CRA) will tell you that the path to get there was not easy! Many CRAs have a nursing or medical background and in many cases experienced a steady career progression from the Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC) … Continue reading