5 Common LinkedIn Mistakes

LinkedIn is powerful.  We highly recommend LinkedIn as this social media platform is an incredible outlet for finding new career or consulting opportunities.  In October of 2011 we published a blog post titled “How to use your Network when Job … Continue reading

5 Tactics to Toughen You Up

Wouldn’t you agree that where you end up professionally is largely based on what you feel you can control, accomplish, and contribute?  Said differently, doesn’t your personal belief system help to establish (or demolish) your career path? A great article … Continue reading

Top 25 Oddball Interview Questions

Thanks to: Glassdoor.com Part of our offering is to prep our candidates for their phone and face-to-face interviews.  We go through the entire gambit of helping the candidate research the company, coaching them to handle behavioral / situational questions, and being … Continue reading

Entry Level Candidates: What do you have that Seasoned Professionals don’t?

Being a job seeker in this economy is stressful; however being a newbie to the job force brings even more stress! But rest assured, every professional has been in your shoes and anyone who has held a job has gone … Continue reading

How to Decline a Job Offer

I believe all of you would agree that the economy is tough…and many job seekers would probably feel lucky to receive any job offer.  But what if you receive a job offer that doesn’t align with your career goals? Or what if … Continue reading

Should I Accept a Job I Don’t Want?

Being able to find a job that will make you feel satisfied and content starts with knowing exactly what you are looking for. Do you know exactly what you are looking for as it relates to a specific job function? … Continue reading

Should I Apply For A Job I Am Overqualified To Do?

When you find a job you are overqualified for, you must ask yourself if it is worth applying. We get it, the job market is lousy and you have a mortgage to pay. And by the way, according to the … Continue reading

How To Ask Why You Didn’t Get The Job!

Someone else was chosen for the job you felt you were perfect for. WHY??? Never take rash actions and contact the “offending” company without first taking time to process the rejection yourself. Think about your interview performance carefully for a … Continue reading

Entry Level Candidates, How Do You Compete?

Entry-level job seekers rarely have any work history, which can make it very difficult for Hiring Managers to determine future performance. However, these prospective employees often go on to be extremely successful. So, how do you sell your potential without … Continue reading

How to Prepare for a Video Conference Interview

With companies being more cost conscious and our culture’s growing reliance and utilization of technology, it is no surprise that more and more companies are requesting Video Conference Interviews with candidates. Video conference interviews are a great way for Hiring … Continue reading