Would You Like To Nail Your Next Phone Interview?

Are you ready for that phone call that you have been hoping for? Have you made proper arrangements? If you should be lucky enough to receive this call, which is the next step in the application process, then you need … Continue reading

Turn A Job Interview Fail Into An Interview That Lands You The Job!

We all know that there a lot of things to say and do in an interview, but all too often, there isn’t enough emphasis placed on the things that you should NEVER say in an interview. There are some items … Continue reading

Healthcare Innovations That Save Lives

Do you work in the health care industry? There are thousands of inventions that have saved lives and it is such a wonderfully fulfilling industry to be a part of. The article below shows the 10 Biggest Innovations in Health … Continue reading

How Much Importance Have You Been Placing on Your Cover Letter?

Cover letter – How much importance have you been placing on your cover letter?  Do you think that you have covered all of your skills in your resume?  While using the same format and general information that you have used … Continue reading

Bolster Your Immune System with Yummy Brownies

Staying healthy is important, and eating healthy foods is a big part of that. There are lots of health foods that can help boost your immune system. Many of them are fruits, veggies, lean protein, healthy fats, and healthy grains, but sometimes … Continue reading

Cover Letters and Resumes – Necessary or Not?

Do you make the mistake of not including a cover letter with your resume? Whether or not you do, the cover letter is a critical part of the resume as it allows the Hiring Manager to determine the job you … Continue reading

Great Interview, Now What?

What do you do after the interview to ensure that you are the one to get the job? Remember to follow up with a thank-you note quickly, while the interview is still fresh in your mind. This is vital as … Continue reading

How Robots Are Killing Your Chance For A Job Interview

Wondering why you are not getting an interview request when applying to positions online? Most companies are now using ATS (applicant tracking systems), which is a software program that reads and ranks your resume according to keywords. This has created … Continue reading

How do Entry Level Candidates Compete in the Interview?

Being a job seeker in this economy can be stressful; however being new to the job force brings even more stress! Every professional has been in your shoes and anyone who has looked for a job has gone through a … Continue reading

Help! How Do I Eat Healthily On My High-Travel Job?

It’s important to take care of your body so you feel your best and your brain is working at full capacity. Your diet is a major part of this. Even if you try to eat healthily on a regular basis, … Continue reading