Dragging On The Job? Want To Put Your Best Foot Forward?

Are you feeling undervalued? Do you feel that you have been performing above your specific job description? Maybe since you feel that you do everything you’re supposed to do on the job, you are actually lacking that specific “shine” or “sparkle” … Continue reading

Pursuing A New Job? Ensure You Are Taking The Right Steps!

As a job seeker, how many steps do you actually take before you consider your job search efforts complete? Where do you begin? There are a few steps that are extremely important when beginning to actually look for that position. … Continue reading

Help, I am Terrified of Interviewing!

Everyone gets a little nervous in an interview – it’s just natural.  How do you find the perfect balance between confidence and overcompensating to the point of appearing arrogant?  Please read our article Overcoming the Fear of Interviewing and follow … Continue reading

Everyone thinks they’re organized in their career. But are you really?

Does your job have what seems like a million small tasks every day that you cannot seem to accomplish?  Although getting ahead in your job doesn’t mean that you have to suck up to your boss, you do have to … Continue reading

Wondering Why Employers Are Not Calling – Your Resume May Be Broken!

Is your resume broken? Which mistakes are you making? Are you aware that the very simplest mistakes can result in your resume not being read? Please read our article Why Your Resume Isn’t Getting Read and check out the following … Continue reading

5 Steps to Gracefully Declining a Job Offer

After sending out what feels like hundreds of well written cover letters and resumes and going through multiple interviews, you receive a job offer. That is good news isn’t it? But what if you receive a job offer that doesn’t … Continue reading

Are You A Technology Savvy Job Interviewer?

Technology has become the root of recruiting in today’s hiring process. In fact, many times the job applicant has not visited the work place or even met face-to-face with the hiring manager before receiving a job offer. This brings to … Continue reading

How to Stand Out in the Social Network Crowd

How do you make yourself memorable in professional online networks? Successful networkers are memorable because they are always willing to help others not because of gimmicks or self promotion. Please read our article on 5 Linked In Common Mistakes. Follow our job … Continue reading

Is What You’re Doing Today Getting You Anywhere?

Every day you waste, is another day you can’t get back… Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow! Please read our article How to Work With a Recruiter to help … Continue reading

How to Succeed At Your New Job

  Starting a new job should be fun with new adventures, but most of the time, it is very stressful and far less glamorous. Please read our article How to Transition Into Your New Job. Follow our job seeker tips … Continue reading