Help! How Do I Eat Healthily On My High-Travel Job?

It’s important to take care of your body so you feel your best and your brain is working at full capacity. Your diet is a major part of this. Even if you try to eat healthily on a regular basis, travel can be fraught with temptations and challenges.

When eating at a restaurant, you can do your best to make healthier choices, or ask for a carry-out box to “hide” a portion of your food so you don’t eat the whole thing, whether or not you plan to take your carry-out box with you.

Does unhealthy snack food tempt you? You can travel with food or you can stop by a grocery store to buy fresh fruit and produce for snacks, and carry a small cooler or insulated lunch bag. Consider hard boiled eggs, veggies with hummus, or fruit salad.

Can’t make an insulated lunch bag work? Try apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, nectarines, etc. You get the idea.

Have a craving for particular unhealthy foods often? Sweets? Salty foods? Fatty snacks?  Check out this infogram to see what kind of healthier foods you need to have on hand to satisfy those cravings:

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Source: pinterest

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Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

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