Holiday Excess Everywhere, and Nowhere a (Healthy) Bite to Eat!

The holidays this time of year seem to be all about abundance. Cookies and pies and special holiday treats are everywhere, not to mention parties and get-togethers where it’s so easy to overindulge.

If you’re brave enough to try to stick to your healthy eating plan throughout this season, it’s easy to feel deprived, because there are delicious foods EVERYWHERE that may not be “allowed” on your plan.

Planning ahead can be incredibly helpful. Sneak some healthier options into the mix. Your friends and family may even thank you for it.

Get your happy on by preparing foods that are tempting AND healthy.

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Love holiday desserts? Check out 100 Healthy Holiday Cookies, Cakes & Desserts. Or, for additional scrumptious options, try 15 Healthier Holiday Desserts That Taste Like a Splurge (But Aren’t)!

Don’t adore desserts as much as the main meal dishes? Check out 10 Vegetarian Christmas Recipes Even Carnivores Will Love.

While we’re on the topic of (and in the season of) temptations, when job interviewing or in the pre-interview stage, I know it’s extremely tempting to raise your salary requirements quite a bit from your previous and/or current position. But should you? And if so, how much?

For guidelines on the best way to determine what compensation you should be requesting, read our article What Should Your Compensation Requirements Be?

Check out our interview tips and job search tips, and be sure to opt into our email marketing campaign for additional information. You can also follow us on Pinterest and Like us on Facebook!

Wishing you joy and success, during the holiday season and always!

Written by: Malaika Pickell

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

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