Don’t Let Your Email Ruin Your Chances: Professional Email Etiquette

Clinical RecruitmentMost of today’s job searching and communication is done through the internet. While the blossoming of job boards like Monster and Careerbuilder has made it easier to find relevant jobs and facilitated easy communication with employers, it has also created a new set of rules concerning etiquette. It’s very important to communicate your professionalism through your email correspondence, and failing to do so could jeopardize your chances of getting the position before the hiring manager even has the opportunity to look at your resume. Keeping these etiquette tips in mind while writing and sending emails can help save you from eliminating yourself from the candidate pool.

  • Unlike a formal letter sent via post, it is unnecessary to include the date, your address, and the recipient’s address at the top of the email. All of your important contact information should be included in your email signature at the conclusion of your email. Putting this information at the top of your email will make you appear out of touch with current etiquette.
  • Emails shouldn’t just be one long paragraph of words. The format of your email should mirror that of a regular letter. Make sure to use clearly defined paragraphs, indentions, and correct grammar and spellings. When in doubt, look it up
  • Hiring managers don’t have time to read long emails from job candidates. While including all relevant and important information, your emails should be direct and to the point. Remember, most hiring managers use an email services such as Outlook or Lotus Notes, which show a preview (usually the first three inches) of the email before it is opened. Focus on including all relevant and important information in those first three inches.
  • Don’t share your email account with a sibling or spouse. Employers are not impressed when they see they’ve received an email from “”
  • The subject line of your email is like the title of a book – it should draw people in and encourage them to open it and learn more about what’s inside. Failing to put anything in the subject line or having a generic line won’t provoke the recipient to look any further.
  • Email etiquette is more than just monitoring what you type. Your email should look as professional as the content you include. Emails should not be a strange font, especially one that’s hard to read. Words in all capital letter and bold font do not indicate enthusiasm or importance, but rather unprofessionalism. Another thing to avoid in your email format is the use of a “stationary” look; emails that have background images or cute pictures included do not communicate that you are a serious candidate.
  • Do not mass email your resume and cover letter to several employers. Bcc-ing is not an option either. Your resume and cover letter should be tailored to each position and employer in order to increase your chances of being selected for an interview.
  • Lastly, make sure that the email account from which you are communicating is appropriate. Using your current work email address or an email address that gives you a negative image ( will immediately ruin any chances you had of being considered as a serious candidate.

You’ve worked hard to build your resume and put a lot of effort into finding the right job for you. Don’t let simple mistakes in judgment negate your efforts.

Written by Katie Fidler

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We specialize in clinical recruiting! You can sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

How to Write an Effective Cover Letter

Clinical RecruitmentYou’ve spent hours working on your resume, and you’re now confident that it’s going to land you your dream job, or at the very least afford you the opportunity to interview. You’re done, right? No! Cover letters are an often overlooked yet essential factor in positive initial communication with potential employers. In fact, some employers require a cover letter be included with your resume submission. Hiring managers read your cover letter before they read your resume, and you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Here are some guidelines to help you draft an impressive cover letter to supplement your resume:

Section I – Contact Info

  • Writing a cover letter and submitting the resume you’ve worked tirelessly to perfect if useless if the hiring manager or human resources personnel can’t get in touch with you. For cover letters that you are uploading or direct mailing, be sure to include your name, street address, phone number, and email address at the top of the page. If you are sending your cover letter as a direct email, then include the contact information at the bottom as part of your email signature.

Section II – Salutation

  • Where is your cover letter going? If you know the name of the hiring manager, human resources personnel, or other employee who will be receiving and reading your cover letter, then be sure to address the cover letter to them specifically. If you find yourself in the position of not knowing your cover letter’s recipient, use a generic salutation. While you should avoid using the phrase “To Whom It May Concern,” some great examples to use are “Dear Hiring Manager” and “Dear Sir or Madam.”

Section III – Body

  • This section is the most important part of the cover letter. The information that should be included in this section can be easily broken down into three paragraphs. 1. Paragraph I should detail why you’re writing. A great way to start this off is by saying “I wish to apply for _________________.” 2. Paragraph II is where you explain what you have to offer the company. Be specific! This is your opportunity to communicate your qualifications and the relevant experience you have. 3. Paragraph III should detail how you plan on following up with the hiring manager. This paragraph should also include your availability to interview in the future.

Section IV – Closing

  • The closing section will be your shortest section; take two to three sentences to thank them for their consideration and encourage them to read your attached resume. Close this section with phrases like “Kind Regards,” “Sincerely,” and “Respectfully,” followed by your name and signature. As previously noted, if sending your cover letter in email format and not uploading a document or sending via direct mail, include your contact information after your name.

A few extra things to keep in mind when writing your cover letter:

  • Just like with writing your resume, research the company to which you’re sending your cover letter. This will help you understand what you bring to the table regarding the specific organization.
  • Keep it short and simple – no longer than one page.
  • Your cover letter should compliment, not duplicate, your resume.
  • Never use a form letter and substitute the hiring manager’s name. Unlike your resume, cover letters should be written specifically for the position for which you are applying.

Following these guidelines will allow you showcase your skills and experience in the most effective way.

Written by Katie Fidler

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? We specialize in clinical recruiting! You can sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.

Do You Know Who You’re Hiring? The Importance of Background Checks

Clinical RecruitmentAs a hiring manager, you’ve been given the daunting task of searching through hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes in order to find the candidate best suited for the job. You’ve narrowed down the pool, gone through several rounds of phone and face-to-face interviews, and think you’ve finally found your top candidates. Before deciding on one and making an offer, you must complete one more essential step – the background check. In this economy, you may think that your company cannot afford to screen several candidates, but the truth is, you can’t afford NOT to. Background check will prevent you from hiring a person that has a history of violence, drug abuse, and other offenses that will hurt your company and fellow employees. Here are a few reasons why background checks in today’s work environment have become so critical:

  • Negligent hiring. That’s right, employers such as yourself can face legal and civil action if it is proven that you should have been aware of the negative facts pertaining to a candidate and failed to disqualify them. If you hire a person who has been arrested for check fraud, and he ends up getting hired and stealing sensitive company financial information because you didn’t run a background check and see his criminal history, then you could be in huge trouble with the law. The quickest and safest way to release yourself and your company from liability is to run a background check on the candidates you are serious about hiring.
  • It will save you money in the long run. Sure, background checks aren’t free, and the cost could really add up if you plan on screen a large amount of individuals. But consider the cost of disruptions, liability issues, and financial costs you could face if you hire a candidate who negatively affects the company’s environment.
  • Candidates will do anything, including lie, to get a job. The most common aspects of a resume that come back as untrue are job responsibilities and skills, length of employment, education level, college attended, and previous salary. People that have lied about their experience and education will hinder a company’s development, and it will only be a matter of time before you are so far behind on your projects that the lack of promised expertise is evident to you and your other employees.

Background checks allow you to evaluate a person’s honesty and integrity – both of which are essentials qualities hiring managers are looking for regardless of their industry. Investigation into a candidate’s past will go a long way in protecting your company’s values, equipment, and sensitive information, as well as the physical and emotional well being of your employees. While background checks to come with a price tag, the future problems they will save you are priceless.

Written by Katie Fidler

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you ever involved with the clinical recruiting hiring process? If so, sign up for our Hiring Manager email course which focuses on how to attract and hire the highest quality candidates.

Ten Fatal Interviewing Mistakes

Clinical RecruitmentIn most situations, the face-to-face interview is the “make or break” point of the hiring process; it is here that hiring managers evaluate the characteristic of the individual that cannot be expressed on paper or through email. The last thing you want to do is negate all of the time and effort you’ve put into perfecting your resume and writing an impressive cover letter by acting in inappropriate ways. Here are some common mistakes that will immediately eliminate you from the candidate pool:

  1. Inappropriate attire. 57% of hiring managers say they have encountered, and eliminated, candidates who are dressed inappropriately for the interview.* Trade in your rainbow colored halter top, bedazzled Levis, gaudy jewelry, and sequin flip flops for a neutral colored suit and close-toed shoes.
  2. Not being groomed appropriately. Along the same lines of proper attire, please make sure you are appropriately groomed. Unless you are applying to be a fashion designer or punk rocker, conservative is better!
  3. Not being prepared to answer the basic interview questions. Regardless of the industry or position, there are certain questions you should always assume interviewers will ask. Have answers prepared beforehand; the worse case scenario is that you aren’t asked those questions, so what do you have to lose? Be prepared for questions like: What are your strengths and weaknesses? Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years? What do you bring to the table that others don’t? How does your previous experience relate to this position?
  4. Not giving specific answers: 34% of hiring managers claimed that being vague in your answers is like not having an answer at all, so do your best to prepare!*
  5. Not having questions for the interviewer. Not having questions of your own for the interviewer stems from not doing your research before the interview. Remember, you are interviewing them just as much as they are interviewing you and not asking questions about the position and/or company can be misinterpreted as a lack of interest. 34% of hiring managers claim that this indiscretion will result in elimination from the candidate pool.*
  6. Not able to justify your salary requirements. Every hiring manager wants to hear why you think you are worth your requested salary so be prepared to discuss it. We can help in this topic if you aren’t sure where to start.
  7. Not getting personal. I am not talking about asking your interviewer out for drinks afterwards…I am addressing the topic of you being real. Be honest. Be genuine. And be sincere. Anything else is a waste of everyone’s time.
  8. Slips of the tongue. We are all guilty of it, but making a conscious effort to control your words makes all the difference in the world. The most common mistake is trash-talking a current or previous employer. Not only does this show a lack of integrity on your part, but also gives the impression that you are disagreeable and hard to work with.
  9. Not turning your cell phone off. Big mistake. Turn it off. Off. Not on silent, not on vibrate, OFF. We know that you have texts to read and Facebook posts to respond to but it’s really not worth losing a job opportunity. And do not, under any circumstances, check your phone during the interview. That shows the interviewer that you are clearly more interested in what’s happening on your phone than what’s going on in the interview.
  10. Being late. You would think I wouldn’t have to address this but I still have candidates who are late to interviews. Just don’t do it.

Your cover letter and resume can only win you the interview. Making the conscious effort to avoid these common interview mistakes will help you make a great, lasting impression on your interviewer.

* Statistics courtesy of

Co-Written by Katie Fidler and Angela Roberts

Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts

Are you considering a career change? If so, sign up for our Job Seeker email course which provides valuable insight into how to become more competitive in the marketplace.