Should I Send A Thank You Note After My Interview?

After you’ve completed your interview, did you remember to send a thank-you note?  Many people think that once the interview is over, that all you have to do is wait to hear back.  In many instances, this is a sure way of assuring that you WILL NOT get the job.  In actual fact, the recruitment process continues on as the companies go on through the resumes and interview notes to help them to make the final decision.  A good follow up in the form of a thank you note may very well help tip the “scales” in your favor.

Please read our article Nothing Says Hire Me, Like a Thank You and check out the infographic below for an interview checklist.

Be sure to follow our interview tips for further advice and guidance. Also, be sure to opt into our email course for guidance on how to be more productive and more competitive in today’s job market. You can also follow us on Pinterest and “Like”us on Facebook!

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Investing in a Lifetime of Success,

Angela Roberts


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