Clinical Research – Is It The Right Career For You?

Have you ever thought of what goes into clinical research? Without clinical research, we would live in a completely different world. Just think, in 1900, the average life expectancy was approximately 47 years of age! Today, the average life expectancy … Continue reading

Change Careers, Make Billions? Clinical Research Is Where To Start!

Want a new position that can lead to a fulfilling career, both financially and emotionally? Clinical research is the perfect path to take. This article outlines How Health Care Technology Is Minting A New Class Of Billionaires! Want to be one … Continue reading

Is Consulting Right for You?

Is working as a consultant for you?  Check out this cool article we found on Forbes that goes into detail about the life of a consultant! Then be sure to read our article How to Work With a Recruiter. Follow our … Continue reading

Clinical Research and How It Saves Lives

How important is Clinical Research to you, your family, or your friends? With so many diseases that have touched all of our lives, clinical research is one of the most noble career paths that you can take. The human race’s technology … Continue reading

Should I Send A Follow Up Email To My Application?

When you use the social networking system when seeking a job, do you follow-up with an email, and how long should you wait before doing so? This might seem like panic time to you while you wait to hear whether … Continue reading

9 Fatal Mistakes Job Searchers Make

I have over 19 years’ experience as a hiring manager and recruiter and am continually amazed at how many times a fully qualified candidate has missed out on a job opportunity for other reasons besides their skills and qualifications. While … Continue reading