How Much Importance Have You Been Placing on Your Cover Letter?

Cover letter – How much importance have you been placing on your cover letter?  Do you think that you have covered all of your skills in your resume?  While using the same format and general information that you have used … Continue reading

Great Interview, Now What?

What do you do after the interview to ensure that you are the one to get the job? Remember to follow up with a thank-you note quickly, while the interview is still fresh in your mind. This is vital as … Continue reading

How do Entry Level Candidates Compete in the Interview?

Being a job seeker in this economy can be stressful; however being new to the job force brings even more stress! Every professional has been in your shoes and anyone who has looked for a job has gone through a … Continue reading

Dragging On The Job? Want To Put Your Best Foot Forward?

Are you feeling undervalued? Do you feel that you have been performing above your specific job description? Maybe since you feel that you do everything you’re supposed to do on the job, you are actually lacking that specific “shine” or “sparkle” … Continue reading

Pursuing A New Job? Ensure You Are Taking The Right Steps!

As a job seeker, how many steps do you actually take before you consider your job search efforts complete? Where do you begin? There are a few steps that are extremely important when beginning to actually look for that position. … Continue reading

Help, I am Terrified of Interviewing!

Everyone gets a little nervous in an interview – it’s just natural.  How do you find the perfect balance between confidence and overcompensating to the point of appearing arrogant?  Please read our article Overcoming the Fear of Interviewing and follow … Continue reading

Wondering Why Employers Are Not Calling – Your Resume May Be Broken!

Is your resume broken? Which mistakes are you making? Are you aware that the very simplest mistakes can result in your resume not being read? Please read our article Why Your Resume Isn’t Getting Read and check out the following … Continue reading

Clinical Research – Is It The Right Career For You?

Have you ever thought of what goes into clinical research? Without clinical research, we would live in a completely different world. Just think, in 1900, the average life expectancy was approximately 47 years of age! Today, the average life expectancy … Continue reading

Change Careers, Make Billions? Clinical Research Is Where To Start!

Want a new position that can lead to a fulfilling career, both financially and emotionally? Clinical research is the perfect path to take. This article outlines How Health Care Technology Is Minting A New Class Of Billionaires! Want to be one … Continue reading

Clinical Research and How It Saves Lives

How important is Clinical Research to you, your family, or your friends? With so many diseases that have touched all of our lives, clinical research is one of the most noble career paths that you can take. The human race’s technology … Continue reading