How Do You Choose The Right Career?

Some people seem to be born knowing what they want to do as a career. Others spend enormous amounts of time trying to decide what to do with themselves. Please read our article on How to Find the Right Job … Continue reading

How Entry Level Candidates Can Get Ahead

There are so many changes taking place in the job market today that are affecting young professionals. There is no straight path and no guarantee that your college degree will get you that job you desire. Please read our article … Continue reading

Why You Should Adapt With the Job Market

Winston Churchill once said “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often”. There are several qualities of “must have” trends in today’s job search that are very important, not only for the managers but also for … Continue reading

Are You Prepared For Networking Events?

There are three phases to networking success. Before the networking event: Set personal goals During the networking event: Connect! After the networking event: Follow-up! It is critical that you are aware of these phases when you are networking for a … Continue reading

Why Networking is Important in Job Searching

Do you ever find yourself wanting to reach out to someone but hesitate to do so for fear that they will either ignore you or question why you are bothering them? If so, then please read our article How the … Continue reading

9 Fatal Mistakes Job Searchers Make

I have over 19 years’ experience as a hiring manager and recruiter and am continually amazed at how many times a fully qualified candidate has missed out on a job opportunity for other reasons besides their skills and qualifications. While … Continue reading