Why LinkedIn Is So Critical

In the early 2000s, it was MySpace. Since the mid 2000s, it’s been Facebook. And now there is a new social media trend sweeping the nation, but unlike the others, this one does not specifically target Generation Ys and Millenials. … Continue reading

How to Beat the Resume Keyword Scanning Systems

With the decline of the economy and growing job stability concerns in this country, businesses and corporations are receiving more job applications than ever before. The problem is that these companies have felt the effects of the economic downturn as … Continue reading

The Wrong Way to Fire Someone

Telling someone that they no longer have a source of income is probably one of the hardest parts of your job. But as a hiring manager, you know that sometimes the cost of keeping someone is greater than the benefits … Continue reading

5 Most Common Phone Interview Mistakes

Preparing for an upcoming phone interview is just as important as preparing for an in-person interview. Of course it is important to have thoughtful answers to questions you may be asked, speak clearly, and be personable (see more tips in … Continue reading

Why Everyone Is In Sales

You may not initially agree with this statement, but we believe everyone is in sales. Even if your job description doesn’t include selling products or services to customers, you are still in sales.  As a professional, you are constantly selling … Continue reading

Don’t Let Your Email Ruin Your Chances: Professional Email Etiquette

Most of today’s job searching and communication is done through the internet. While the blossoming of job boards like Monster and Careerbuilder has made it easier to find relevant jobs and facilitated easy communication with employers, it has also created … Continue reading

How to Write an Effective Cover Letter

You’ve spent hours working on your resume, and you’re now confident that it’s going to land you your dream job, or at the very least afford you the opportunity to interview. You’re done, right? No! Cover letters are an often … Continue reading

Do You Know Who You’re Hiring? The Importance of Background Checks

As a hiring manager, you’ve been given the daunting task of searching through hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes in order to find the candidate best suited for the job. You’ve narrowed down the pool, gone through several rounds of … Continue reading

Ten Fatal Interviewing Mistakes

In most situations, the face-to-face interview is the “make or break” point of the hiring process; it is here that hiring managers evaluate the characteristic of the individual that cannot be expressed on paper or through email. The last thing … Continue reading

How to Work with a Recruiter

If you choose to work with recruiters during your job search, it is important to understand the recruiting specialist’s role. Please note that we understand there are many BAD recruiters out there and while we are expecting you to have … Continue reading