How to Properly Qualify a Job

If you have been a Hiring Manager for any length of time then you understand the task of hiring a new employee is a complicated process.  You also understand that sometimes the difficult part of hiring a new employee doesn’t … Continue reading

Recruitment of Employees: What’s Your Best Strategy?

With the job market being saturated with job seekers, many qualified candidates may be in a position to accept less pay for their skills.  This competition can bring a challenge to any hiring manager and our goal is to make … Continue reading

How to Conduct Powerful Phone Interviews

So you have scheduled an interview – congratulations!  Now what do you do?  Believe it or not, the interview is really not just about communicating to the hiring manager about your skills, education, and work history.  To get hired in … Continue reading

How to Prepare for the Face-to-Face Interview

The #1 mistake I see people make is to believe the Face-to-Face interview is about their specific qualifications and how they meet the requirements for the position being discussed. In my experience, the “in-person” interview is only marginally focused in … Continue reading

How to Prepare for an Effective Phone Interview

Hiring Managers have high expectations from you once you get to the interview stage.  Unfortunately, all too often, Job Seekers fail to do the research necessary to be fully prepared for an effective interview performance.  The following recruiting tips will … Continue reading

How to Prepare for a Successful Background Check

I recommend my clients do both a background check and reference check of their new team member candidates. Why? As it relates to reference checks, you would be amazed at the number of candidates who select inappropriate references such as … Continue reading

How to Write an Effective Resume

A resume is your opportunity to be on the center stage, under the spotlight, in front of a captivated audience. Turn that spotlight into a highlight by shining yourself in the BEST light!  Writing a resume can be a daunting … Continue reading

How to Find the Right Job for You

Being able to find a job that will make you feel satisfied and content starts with knowing exactly what you are looking for.  The first step you must take when you find yourself in the Job Seeker realm should be … Continue reading

9 Fatal Mistakes Job Searchers Make

I have over 19 years’ experience as a hiring manager and recruiter and am continually amazed at how many times a fully qualified candidate has missed out on a job opportunity for other reasons besides their skills and qualifications. While … Continue reading