Job Searching When You Are Over 50

Are you an older person (over age 50) and looking for work? Were you among the thousands that were laid off during the recession? Are you working hard trying to find a way to get back into the workforce? There … Continue reading

Is Your Job Making You Happy?

Are you happy at work?  Do some days seem gray when you would like to be anywhere other than on the job? I’m sure that there are days that you feel completely miserable and seem to be waiting for the proverbial shoe … Continue reading

Are Foods Promoted As “Health Foods” Deceiving You?

The definition of what qualifies as “health food” is ever-changing. We hear how unhealthy eggs are, then ten years later we hear that they’re great for you. We hear we should cut out all fat from our daily diet, then five years … Continue reading

Underperforming Employees?

One of the most frustrating things for a manager or a small business owner is to see a smart, talented employee underperforming. As a hiring manager, it is your job to motivate these employees to work harder, be smarter, and … Continue reading

Want To Become An Exercise Junkie?

It can be very difficult to get in the “groove” and become that person who lives to run or just do ANY kind of exercise.  But exercising is addictive and after a while you feel as though your day is … Continue reading

Would You Like To Nail Your Next Phone Interview?

Are you ready for that phone call that you have been hoping for? Have you made proper arrangements? If you should be lucky enough to receive this call, which is the next step in the application process, then you need … Continue reading

Turn A Job Interview Fail Into An Interview That Lands You The Job!

We all know that there a lot of things to say and do in an interview, but all too often, there isn’t enough emphasis placed on the things that you should NEVER say in an interview. There are some items … Continue reading

Healthcare Innovations That Save Lives

Do you work in the health care industry? There are thousands of inventions that have saved lives and it is such a wonderfully fulfilling industry to be a part of. The article below shows the 10 Biggest Innovations in Health … Continue reading

How Much Importance Have You Been Placing on Your Cover Letter?

Cover letter – How much importance have you been placing on your cover letter?  Do you think that you have covered all of your skills in your resume?  While using the same format and general information that you have used … Continue reading

Bolster Your Immune System with Yummy Brownies

Staying healthy is important, and eating healthy foods is a big part of that. There are lots of health foods that can help boost your immune system. Many of them are fruits, veggies, lean protein, healthy fats, and healthy grains, but sometimes … Continue reading